New Twists and Turns in Texas Abortion Ban

New Twists and Turns in Texas Abortion Ban

It’s no secret that Texas has one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the nation. It is also one of the most controversial. It is against this background that the Starr County District Attorney’s Office filed murder charges against Lizelle Gonzalez in 2022, alleging she caused “the death of an individual by self-induced abortion.” And thus a whole new can of worms was opened.

HIPAA? CO Public Health Targeting Unvaccinated People

HIPAA? CO Public Health Targeting Unvaccinated People

Unvaccinated people in Colorado will start receiving calls, texts, and emails as of June 21st. What will those calls, emails, and texts consist of? Essentially the message…

Kids Are Off-Limits, And That Includes Barron Trump [VIDEO]

The rule is that the minor children of political figures are always off-limits. That applied to the Obama girls, and it now applies to Barron Trump. The…

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Ava Gardner