Harry Sisson, Screeching Child, Democrat Shill, Doesn’t Know History

Harry Sisson, Screeching Child, Democrat Shill, Doesn’t Know History

There is a SCREECHING child out there by the name of Harry Sisson who shills for the Democrat Party. Harry is the prototype for the emasculated, feminized soy boys The Left dreams of. There is no Testosterone in his body. He looks like he would be subservient to any Random Girl Boss and he repeats Progressive talking points without an awareness of irony. Take yesterday, he X’d (formerly Twitter) that the Democrats win on policy, and so they don’t need to attack families. Whut?

Biden’s Army Of Influencers Begets Cringetocking

Biden’s Army Of Influencers Begets Cringetocking

In anticipation of the battle for the 2024 Presidential Race and try to mask or divert from his decrepitude, Joe Biden’s campaign has hired an “Army of…

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Ava Gardner