This week has been an exciting one in the Republican Presidential race. On Wednesday Rubio locked up the important endorsement of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. He also locked in the endorsement of Senator Tim Scott, an African-American. Also by his side at multiple rally’s in the state is Senate firebrand Trey Gowdy, a former South Carolina prosecutor. If the Dems are still whining that the GOP has a “diversity problem” they need to stop. In a photograph that sounds like the start of a really racially insensitive joke, an American of Indian extraction, an African-American and a prototypical Southern Gentleman joined Rubio onstage at a rally in the Palmetto state on the eve of their primary.

In South Carolina on Friday, Marco Rubio held an exhausting five rallies, all attended by Governor Haley. The two appeared on the Megyn Kelly show on Fox News on Thursday night, see the video below:
When asked if Haley could be a potential running mate, creating a GOP “Dream Ticket” diverse in gender and ethnicity, Haley stated that she is “content” and that her plate is full as Governor of South Carolina.
I have enjoyed watching the phenomenon of #Marcomentum these past few weeks. Most recently it seems that even the National Review has become a full fledged Marco Rubio fan after his performance in last nights GOP Townhall. In the words of the fabled magazine, his performance was a reinvigorated explanation of conservatism and showed the image of the “compassionate conservative”.
“A president like Rubio could help transform the perception of how Republicans handle race and class issues. During the CNN town hall, he demonstrated sincerity and empathy by employing personal narrative when asked how, in light of such events as the Charleston church shooting of nine African Americans, he would address racism without being divisive.”
Personally I was pulling for Carly Fiorina, but since she has dropped out of the race I find myself attracted to Marco Rubio. Mostly it is due to two things. For one he OWNS people on foreign policy as illustrated by the video below in which he discusses Iraq and immigration with Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace.
As I have shared with my fellow bloggers here @TheVGBlog, I find Marco’s knowledge of foreign policy incredibly attractive. As an Army brat I suppose it is only natural. I liken it to listening to Trey Gowdy questioning a witness in a Congressional hearing. I know, I am warped.

All I know is this-I sincerely hope that Marco Rubio blows Donald Trump out of the water in South Carolina later today.
Yesterday, the Republican Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, announced her support for the removal of the South Carolina Battle Flag from state capitol grounds in Columbia,…
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley called today for the removal of the Confederate flag on the State House grounds in Columbia, five days after the racially-motivated killing of…
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