#GlobalCitizenEarthDay: Trashing the National Mall to Save the Planet

#GlobalCitizenEarthDay: Trashing the National Mall to Save the Planet

Yes, it’s that time of year again, when liberals and Gaia-worshippers across America celebrate their High Holy Day. I am speaking, of course, of Earth Day. The Mother of all Earth Days was celebrated on Saturday, on the National Mall in Washington, DC, in a celebration dubbed ‘Global Citizen Earth Day.’

earth day

The group sponsoring the event produced a rousing video that promised entertainment from major names in the music industry.

The United Nations promised that Secretary General Ban Ki-moon would be present.

CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien schmoozed backstage with singer Will.I.Am. . . .

. . . who demonstrated a project he developed called Ekocycle.

Even the developers of the game “Angry Birds” announced the rollout of a new version of the game called “Champions of the Earth” at the event.

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