Let the Word “Bossy” Be Stricken from All Records

Let the Word “Bossy” Be Stricken from All Records

The liberal “Word Police” are at it again. They’re putting out a BOLO on another word that they want to ban from our lexicon. And this proposed ban is about as ridiculous as they come.

Word-banning is a tactic that we have seen over and over in recent years. Liberals have already banned the “N” word. Except, if you are black you are not banned from using it. And they’ve banned use of the word “Christmas” from public schools and public places when describing that holiday that takes place on December 25. And did you know that the new movie Noah–which is the story of the biblical flood and which comes out in theaters on March 28–does not have a single mention of the word “God”? Seems the liberal movie-makers didn’t want to offend anyone with the name of the Omnipotent One. And how can we forget that not long after Obama took office in 2009, his minions announced that we were no longer engaged in a War on Terror, but rather in an “overseas contingency operation.” This change in nomenclature was ostensibly because the former phrase (War on Terror) “mischaracterizes the nature of the enemy and its abilities.” Yeah, right.

Moreover, we can always count on the Empress of the liberal “Word Police,” Nanny Pelosi, to deliver a senseless lesson on political correctness. Just this past week Pelosi chastised reporters for using the term “Obamacare” to describe the Not-So-Affordable Care Act, even though Obama himself has unapologetically embraced the term for his miserable failure-of-a-healthcare-law. Seems Nanny P. just doesn’t like the term, so no one else can use it either.

With this history of liberal word-smithing, it’s no wonder that liberals have come out with a new campaign called “# Ban Bossy.” The campaign is the brainchild the rich female COO of some mega-million dollar company. She has recruited dozens of bossy helpers and created a flashy, hip video featuring (who else) Queen Bey, Jane Lynch, and other Hollywood personalities trying to ram their agenda down the throats of old and young alike. [Note to self: What the hell is Condi Rice doing in this video??] They want us to believe that using the word “bossy” to describe a girl’s behavior is sexist and demeaning and stifling and every kind of oppression you can think of. It’s pure, unadulterated hogwash. Especially when they add that the term is particularly harmful to black and Hispanic girls. Apparently white girls are not bossy enough for it to matter what they are called.

Moreover it pains me somewhat to see that the Girl Scouts are involved in this campaign, although I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I gave up on the increasingly progressive-leaning organization years ago over their growing affiliation with Planned Parenthood and other feminist organizations and causes. Luckily my daughters left the scouting ranks before the radicals became overtly entrenched in the leadership.

True to form in this latest campaign, liberals take a harmless, everyday word, isolate it, demonize it, and propose to ban it. (Those familiar with Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals will recognize the technique.) Whatever behavior the word was meant to describe will be called something different, something more encouraging and likeable and pretty; for example, little girls telling others what to do is no longer  being bossy, it is being a leader.  Except that studies show that little girls don’t like being called a “leader” either. They just want to be liked.

But this technique is what liberals have always done. If they don’t like what something is called (e.g., because they think it has a negative connotation), then they prefer to ban people from calling the thing what it is, thinking that will solve everything. Except it won’t. The behavior persists, and all the libs accomplish is the violation of our Constitutionally protected free speech. In this “Ban Bossy” case, their goal is to to make the fairer sex feel better about themselves. Except they don’t. They are still bossy when they boss people around.

So in the end, liberals don’t want to change the bossy behavior, mostly because there is nothing wrong with being bossy. They just can’t have people calling girls “bossy.” So the rest of us cannot call a spade a spade. “So,” say the liberals to little girls, “you can BE bossy, but we won’t let people call you bossy, because that might keep you from wanting to be bossy a leader.” We won’t ban the behavior, we’ll just ban the speech that is used to describe it. That way, in their reasoning, little girls won’t feel bad about themselves when they are being bossy. After all, little girls need special protection that little boys don’t. It’s enough to gag the proverbial maggot.

I look around and see all the bossy liberal women in this country, and I wonder how many of them were NOT called “bitchy” “bossy” when they were young. When I was growing up my siblings and I would taunt each other singing, “B is for bossy — bossy, bossy, bossy!” when one of us started telling others what to do. We were all the target of the song at one time or another–boys and girls alike. And we survived the taunting and learned to shake it off. My mother did not ban us from the name-calling. It was a part of learning to deal with adversity. We learned the truth of the old adage: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Still, I am all for banning the word “bossy” if it means that we also can ban bossy bitches, like Tina “B***y Pants” Fey, Nanny “B***y Britches” Pelosi, Debbie “B***yman” Schultz, and Sheryl “B***y Bitch” Sandberg.

bossy women
Although liberals may not want B to stand for “bossy,” I have news for them, it does. And C still stands for “Censorship.” If liberals have to ban something, how about banning taxpayer-funded junkets for bossy bitches?


Editor’s note: We’re so excited to introduce Donna as the newest blogger to the Victory Girl’s writing team. Please check the “About Victory Girls” page to read her bio!

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