The Weird Story Involving Jacob Wohl, Robert Mueller, And Trump Conspiracy! [VIDEO]

The Weird Story Involving Jacob Wohl, Robert Mueller, And Trump Conspiracy! [VIDEO]

Yesterday social media lit up about a possible story involving Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Did it involve Trump or Russia? NOPE! Instead it’s a wild crazy ride involving sexual allegations against Mueller, shadowy figures, some weird ass company called Surefire, and Gateway Pundit writer Jacob Wohl. From The Atlantic:

Roy Moore’s Wacky Defenders, or Why We Can’t Have Nice Things [VIDEO]

Roy Moore’s Wacky Defenders, or Why We Can’t Have Nice Things [VIDEO]

First of all, my words are not about the Roy Moore allegations, so Moore fans can put their rocks down. Don’t stone me just yet. However, that…

Election Day Liveblogging!

Election Day Liveblogging!

Today is the big day. Who will win, Romney or Obama? The anticipation will be nearly unbearable. We’ll be covering the election all day today and throughout…

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Ava Gardner