The other day when the Harvey Weinstein story was first breaking, one of the things that caught my eye (and there were a lot) was the Planned Parenthood 100th Anniversary Party, back in May, where Harvey Weinstein was a guest along with Hillary Clinton. Frontpage Magazine and Daniel Greenfield reported:
At the 100th anniversary of Planned Parenthood, honoring Hillary Clinton, the recently defeated candidate, drinks named “Toxic Masculinity” were being served. Also on the scene was Harvey Weinstein. And Harvey had his thick wallet open to the tune of $100K for the abortion organization.
Planned Parenthood in celebrating it’s 100th anniversary of promoting the murder of innocents, honored Hillary (What Difference Does It Make?) Clinton and served a cocktail named “Toxic Masculinity”. The drink was allegedly made from vodka, strawberry puree and lemon juice. It is pictured below.
Toxic Masculinity at a party celebrating the murder of infants in the womb? How about Toxic Feminism?
Then this happened on twitter. Some female named Abigail Shirley sent out this tweet:
And Clint Black, gorgeous hunk of masculinity, father and husband, answered.
Our beloved Twitchy captured the essence of this with the classic Southern put down, “Bless Her Heart”.
Oh look, a feminist lumped all men together based on the actions of one Hollywood ‘liberal kingmaker.’ Gotta protect that whole ‘men are evil and should be destroyed’ narrative, right?
Now, I am not Camille Paglia so I couldn’t tell you what wave of feminism we are on this time. Don’t know and don’t care. I know this, that it is an ugly feminism and I don’t mean ugly as in facial beauty, although they are. I mean ugly in thought, word and deed.
Did anybody hear about this story? Of course you didn’t. Because the media, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, and Barack Obama are not concerned about a…
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