We’ve all seen the photos and video of our American sailors kneeling with hands held over their heads while Iranian weapons are pointed at them.

The entire incident has, thankfully IMO, reignited the debate concerning the Iran Deal and the efficacy of this Administration’s foreign policy. And yet, there are many who believe or would like us to adopt the mantra of ‘nothing to see here, move along’ so the Iran Deal applecart won’t tip over.
The Pentagon has backed off claims that a mechanical failure contributed to U.S. sailors drifting into Iranian waters and touching off a diplomatic incident earlier this week, with Defense Secretary Ash Carter now saying a “navigation error” was to blame.
“The information that they have given us, and through their commanders is that they did stray accidentally into Iranian waters due to a navigation error,” Carter said in a television interview with Univision at U.S. Southern Command in Miami.
“So that seems to be the original cause of this, according to the interviews that we have done,” Carter added.
Oh. Ok. So, we’re supposed to believe that none and I mean NONE of the sailors on that boat could read navigation charts? We’re supposed to believe that a high-tech boat with up-to-date GPS and other navigation tools had a “glitch?” Likewise we are supposed to believe that their commander, the guy who sent those sailors and two boats out to wander around the Persian Gulf, wasn’t keeping tabs on them and just let them wander off course? In other words, the Navy is incompetent and this is all their fault. Really??
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