Marco Rubio Graciously Leaves Presidential Race [VIDEO]

Marco Rubio Graciously Leaves Presidential Race [VIDEO]

Marco Rubio has officially dropped out of the presidential race tonight after being soundly defeated by Donald Trump in Florida, Rubio’s home state.

And he did so with grace, class, and an inspiring speech. He closed by demonstrating his deep religious faith as well.

The dignity of Rubio in defeat and the power of the speech was noticed by others in the media.

Unfortunately, respect wasn’t shown to the exiting Rubio as he was heckled by a Trump supporter, just as he was thanking Trump. . .

. . . but he handled the heckler with humor and aplomb.

As a parting bow, the Senator’s campaign encouraged all Republicans and conservatives to unite behind Ted Cruz.

It was definitely time for Rubio to leave the scene in order for conservatives to coalesce around Ted Cruz and to thwart the Trump juggernaut. But, as he said in the speech, this was not his time. I hope that in future elections he will discover that time.

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Ava Gardner