Reminder, The Government Will Not Save You From Hurricanes

Reminder, The Government Will Not Save You From Hurricanes

The last one to the scene of any natural disaster is the government. It doesn’t matter if we knew in advance about hurricanes like Dorian, Katrina or Puerto Rico, The current mode of thinking by too many is that our government will save us. Oh…wait. That’s not how this works. Our government will not save you from hurricanes or any other natural disaster. 

Joel Osteen’s PR Nightmare

Joel Osteen’s PR Nightmare

I have no love for creepy Lakewood megachurch pastor Joel Osteen. On a personal level, he gives me the creeps. Everything I’ve read about him screams “CHARLATAN!”…

Kos: Harvey RAAACIIIIST and so is Trump

Kos: Harvey RAAACIIIIST and so is Trump

If there’s a way to flog alleged “racism” all over the country, the social justice zealots will find it. It’s much easier to claim racism and stroke…

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Ava Gardner