Trump Points Out “His” African-American at a Rally [VIDEO]

Trump Points Out “His” African-American at a Rally [VIDEO]

For all his self-proclaimed intelligence, Donald Trump just doesn’t know when to keep his thoughts to himself.

Earlier on Friday, at a campaign rally in California, Trump pointed out a black supporter with the comment, “Ah, look at my African-American over here, look at him. Are you the greatest? You know what I’m talking about.”


Yes, he said that. Fresh from comments made Thursday night that the judge presiding over the Trump University lawsuit just can’t be fair to him because he’s of Mexican parentage.

Behold, the wonder of the Trump mouth.

Now if Trump possessed any sort of self-awareness, he would’ve realized that he just said something incredibly stupid and maybe gone full Steve Urkel at the rally, but this is Trump we’re talking about, and the man’s mouth has no filter.


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