#EvergreenStateCollege Professor #BretWeinstein Opposed Segregation And SJW Demand His Firing [VIDEO]

#EvergreenStateCollege Professor #BretWeinstein Opposed Segregation And SJW Demand His Firing [VIDEO]

Here we bring you yet another Social Justice Warrior (SJW) story from the Pacific Northwest (ugh). This time a biology professor who opposed segregation-yes, dear reader, segregation-is now being literally hunted by the SJW cupcakes on his campus. Evidently Professor Weinstein did not appreciate the demands of a group of out of control SJW’s who demanded that there be a day on campus without white students. I am pretty confident that Dr. Martin Luther King is somewhere close to China right about now with the way things have been going with the literal reversal of all of his hard work on civil rights-all thanks to the cupcakes who now inhabit campuses from sea to shining sea. In the video below they corner the Professor and scream profanities at him while he attempts to educate them on the difference between debate and dialectic, to his credit he was still open to dialectic (which is an exchange of ideas and information). I am not so sure I would be.


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Ava Gardner