This story has nothing to do with being gay. Or being religious. Or being deeply in debt. Or unhappy in your marriage. Or being gay…did I already write that? Because ANY insinuation that being gay is an excuse for the most heinous of behaviors….is one of the most heinous of behaviors. If I was a gay man, I’d want to kick Eric Myers in the nuts.

That has to be stated up front, because I’ve read comments on various stories about this man, that insist that gay men are so prejudiced against, that this man HAD to resort to the desperate act of disappearing – even though they will admit it was despicable. And I’ve read comments that self-righteously state that religion and the Bible were responsible – because his religion made it impossible for him to admit he was gay to his family and make the necessary changes in his life.
Such utter bullshit. This is a story of a deeply selfish, mean, deceptive, narcisstic TOOL of a man who abandons his family and has the chutzpah to show his face on national television with nut-kicking-provoking excuses.
The 20/20 story referenced in the link above was, as usual, salacious and all about ratings. I’ve long since given up hope for honest, uplifting stories about the millions of really good people that don’t abandon their families. Gay or not. There’s no money in that kind of “boredom” I guess.
The 20/20 story emphasis is on the struggle of Eric Myers being gay, but still living a straight life with a wife and kids. He’s unable to deal with it, and society and religious intolerance “drove him” to do the things he did. They are careful, of course, to include reporting on the heartbreak of the children and just how difficult life was after their father disappeared. They do include his form of an apology: “But no one is all good, and no one is all bad,” said Myers”. Gee. Who knew?
The title of the 20/20 article, “I Escaped My Life,” indicates the blame or the reason for the anguished disappearance of Eric Myers clearly on being gay. But, as Paul Harvey liked to remark ”and now, the rest of the story…” The real 12 million reasons he’s back from the dead, and it wasn’t to make amends with his family.
The Arizona Republic presented a three part investigative story on this in 2011…sometime after Eric came back from the dead in 2007. It is excellent coverage and the financial revelations are quite interesting. I mean, you REALLY have to read the “rest of the story” to put the 20/20 sob story in the correct perspective. Disgusted yet? You should be because it’s not “20/20″…it’s more like 20/400.
Here’s the back story…
Eric Myers stated in the Arizona Republic story: “It took 17 years for me to accept myself,” he said, adding that, when he disappeared, he was sick from years of deception. But evidently, not quite sick enough.
“His father is worth an estimated $60 million,” said Anne Myers, Eric’s ex-wife. “Divided by five (siblings, including Eric), that is $12 million.”
That’s enough to make the most deceptively sick man decide it’s time to find self-acceptance and file to get his death certificate rescinded, don’t you think?
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