Being “Green” or environmentally friendly is one of the sacraments of the left. Along with abortion (#1) and any LGBTQLMNOP issue (#3), being green is a core tenet of the liberal belief system. In the Liberal Catechism, being green falls under Climate Change as an article of faith that may never be questioned.
Now, I am old enough (cough, giggle, snort) to remember when people were trashing the planet and smokes stacks were belching out poisonous gases. This ad narrated by the later actor William Conrad and featuring Iron Eyes Cody portraying a Native American was part of the Keep America Beautiful campaign begun in 1953. The single tear “Crying Indian” ad resonates today.
This is not the kind of being green we are talking about. Land sakes, use a trash receptacle.
Three bits of news this week underline how far the Fascist Priests of the Left are willing to go to make us all praise the gospel of Liberalism. And, these three news items point out how bad being green is for living things.
1. Wind Energy Kills: The Daily Caller reported that Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke was speaking at an event sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and rather graphically described how Wind Power kills birds.
“You know wind chops up around 650- or 750,000 birds a year,” Zinke said at an event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Tuesday. “Wind comes at a cost. If you’re a fisherman, offshore wind isn’t particularly enamored with because it prevents you from fishing which is an important part of our economy.”

It’s not like this was unknown. U.S. News reported on December 14, 2016 that President Barack Obama’s administration expanded the number of birds that could be killed by these Wind Turbine Farms.
Then, on Friday, June 23, the Daily Caller reported that the carcass of a whale washed ashore in Rhode Island and the whale may have died because of the nearby wind farm.
Rescue workers and two veterinarians from a nearby aquarium collected samples from the dead whale, and suspect that the nearby Block Island offshore wind farm could be responsible for the whale’s death. Noise from the turbine allegedly hampers the sonar that whales use to navigate and communicate.
I had been led to believe by the Environmentalists that critters of all kinds were more important than humans. That is, I guess, unless they run a foul (fowl) of an article of faith in the Liberal Catechism.
2. It’s More Important to be Green than to Live: The U.K. Telegraph reported that green energy concerns may have contributed to the Grenfell Tower building fire in London.

An inferno which engulfed a tower block, killing at least 12 in what could become one of the biggest fire tragedies in British history, was a “disaster waiting to happen”, experts have said.
Fears were raised that green energy concerns were prioritised ahead of safety as it emerged that cladding used to make the building more sustainable could have accelerated the fire.
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