There are lawyers, and then there are lawyers who will defend the indefensible by concocting the most outlandish theories to defend their clients.
Such are the attorneys representing the family of Syed Farook.
Attorney David Chesley, along with attorney Mohammed Abuershaid, questioned the accounts of the shooting in San Bernardino on Wednesday that left 14 people dead.
Chesley likened the incident to the shooting at Sandy Hook school by speculating whether or not that school shooting actually occurred. Cue Twilight Zone theme music.
“There were a lot of questions drawn with Sandy Hook and whether or not that was a real incident or not,” he said. “There’s a lot of people that said it happened but hasn’t happened in the way that it was purported to have taken place.”
Oh, I see. It’s a conspiracy. Just like Sandy Hook was a false flag operation. Riiight.
And the 5000 rounds of ammunition and a dozen pipe bombs found at the home of Syed Farook and his terrorist wife?

“Obviously, these things were found there, how they got there we don’t know,” said Chesley. Because no one, including Farook’s family, had ever seen him with them. “The pipe bombs, for example. No one had ever seen him have or use anything like that.”
I see. They were planted there. Just like OJ’s glove. Who are you going to believe — Chesley or your lying eyes?
And Syed’s ISIS-loving wife, Tashfeen Malik? Why, she couldn’t have possibly used a gun! She weighed only 90 pounds! Chesley flippantly invoked the names of Bonnie and Clyde to demonstrate how crazy the whole husband-wife rampage idea is.
Well, that joke’s on Chesley. The real Bonnie Parker stood 4’10” and weighed 90 pounds. That didn’t stop her from shooting up the South in the 1930’s, did it?

David Chesley, keep an ear to your phone. I’m pretty sure you’ll be getting a call from conspiracy crackpot Alex Jones. He thinks the San Bernardino shooting was a false flag. You’d be a great guest on his radio program.
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