From the VG Bookshelf: Don’t Burn This Book

From the VG Bookshelf: Don’t Burn This Book

The first thing you should know about Dave Rubin’s new book, Don’t Burn This Book is that a flurry of fake 1-star reviews have hit Amazon. It proves the point he makes in the book about the regressive Left and their cancel culture. I’m here to tell you I enjoyed the book. Let me tell you why.

Antifa: Don’t Blame Us For Bullying An Elderly Woman And Calling Her A Nazi!

Antifa: Don’t Blame Us For Bullying An Elderly Woman And Calling Her A Nazi!

According to the Antifa protestors at the Mohawk College free speech event, if the event had been canceled, the elderly woman with the walker wouldn’t have been…

Censorship Wars Using Jargon

Censorship Wars Using Jargon

Does anyone remember the appearance of poor little rich alien, Mark Zuckerberg in front of Congress in two marathon sessions almost a year ago? One did not…

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Ava Gardner