Captain Awesome had some interesting things to say today about immigration and law enforcement today at the White House:
He said that changes to immigration law are necessary for our “safety and security”.
Uh….does Obama mean THIS kind of “safety and security”?
“Here’s everything you need to know about immigration reform: last year the Obama administration released 36,000 criminal aliens into the United States population. The jailbreak was deliberate and included 193 murderers.”
That’s not “reform”. That’s breaking laws and putting American citizens in jeopardy. Which doesn’t keep Obama up at night.
“The Obama administration picks and chooses what parts of laws they wish to enforce. The parts of immigration reform they like, they will enforce. The parts of the law the Republicans think will tighten border security or otherwise fix the “broken system,” Obama will ignore.”
Of course he will. He is King Obama and laws don’t apply to him.
Obama was quoted as saying this today:
“Our system is not fair to workers, is not fair to businesses and is not fair to law enforcement agencies.”
Well, at least he’s got that right. Just ask American workers that are out of a job if they think it’s “fair” that they are unemployed while “undocumented workers” get tax paid benefits and privilege.
Or ask the families of Nicolas Ivie, Brian Terry, and the other actual law enforcers and American citizens who have been killed or injured at the hands of “undocumented workers”and those charming Obama’s fans… the “DREAMERS”.
They have a pretty good idea of what’s “not fair”.
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