You’ll be met with an image of President Trump if you drive down Grand Avenue in Phoenix. He’s glaring down from a billboard, and he’s not just giving you the stink eye. His image is flanked by nuclear mushroom clouds and dollar signs that vaguely resemble swastikas.

The billboard went up Friday to coincide with the start of Phoenix’s “Art Detour” festival. But it won’t be going away after the event ends. Beatrice Moore, the billboard’s owner and self-described “patron of the arts,” announced that it will be adorning the avenue for the entirety of Trump’s administration.
Many people are upset about this contribution to the Phoenix art scene, including a woman who formerly lived under Communist rule.
Now the artist is quick to report that she’s getting death threats.
I was taken aback at all the hatred — mostly from conservatives — toward the “America the Beautiful” Coke commercial that aired during the Superbowl last night….
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