I’ll be honest. The results last night were NOT what I expected. Don’t get me wrong, I had hope and was definitely praying that Hillary wouldn’t win, but I had come to terms with the fact that she would. Instead, the result was … very unexpected.
You know what? Last night showed us all something that I think many had forgotten or neglected to take into account.
Seismic. Tonight is a reminder where ultimate power rests. Not in We the Government. Not in We the Lobbyists or We the Special Interests. pic.twitter.com/gP9DYnkcI5
— Justice Don Willett (@JusticeWillett) November 9, 2016
Indeed. WE THE PEOPLE. We spoke loudly and clearly at the ballot box from the Presidency down to the local level. This is the very essence, fabric, and foundation of what our Constitution and this Republic is all about.

The reaction has been interesting to watch this morning. I’d say the media, the pollsters, pundits, and many in the DC political establishment are going to be picking their jaws up off the floor for quite some time to come! While they frantically spin and continue to wonder how they got it so wrong; lets compare the speeches and tone of President-Elect Donald Trump late last night…
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