After losing to President Donald J. Trump for the fifth time (Presidential election plus four specials), Democrats are starting to point fingers at Nancy Pelosi. The Georgia District Six loss of Democrat Jon (Pajama Boy) Ossoff to Republican Karen Handel has “woke” some Democrats to their growing problems. The Russians didn’t hack the Georgia D6 election. Even the celebrity Cher has chirped in.
In response to a couple of tweets from Massachusetts’ Democrat Representative Seth Moulton, Cher tweeted:
Opinion follows:
I know many Pubbies would love to keep Nancy Pelosi around because of her “San Francisco Values” and her record losses. I want her to get gone, as in, retire. Nancy Pelosi’s speaking cadence, tightly pulled stare and random hand gestures make me want to take my personalized Louisville Slugger baseball bat to whichever television I am watching at the time. Please make the scary lady go away.
End of opinion.
Last night, the obtuse Richard Fowler appeared with Fox Business Channel’s Kennedy and spewed the talking points of the Democrats for this news cycle.
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