Hillary Shares Atrocious Video, Because All Your Children Are Belong to Her [VIDEO]

Hillary Shares Atrocious Video, Because All Your Children Are Belong to Her [VIDEO]

Just when you thought Hillary Clinton couldn’t get any more unbearable, she surprises us, but not in a good way.

On Thursday, The Woman Who Won’t Face Reality shared what may be the Dumbest Video Ever.

So just how bad is this? Behold, children dancing in a bookstore in Chappaqua, NY, waving around copies of her newest book, What Happened. And dancing to “Fight Song,” the anthem of Hillary’s epic fail of a campaign.

Hold on — in this book Hillary blames everyone else for her presidential loss. I thought we were supposed to teach kids to own their own mistakes? Oh, never mind.

Here’s a screenshot, just to prepare you for what’s ahead:

Here young Hillary minions fans even trot out some of Hillary’s earlier claptrap writings; namely, the book It Takes a Village.

Hillary’s Email Problem Is National Security Issue

The last four days have been quite interesting for any and all with Team Hillary. You see, there is this email problem that cropped up. And well,…

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Ava Gardner