The Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign dropped a new one minute advertisement today. With this ad, Hillary proves that there is no depth she will not plumb in her desperate quest for the Presidency. Using a dead American Soldier, in this case, Captain Humayan Saqib Muazzam Khan is beyond reprehensible. According to Alex Pappas of the Daily Caller:
Hillary Clinton’s Democratic campaign is using Khizr Khan again against rival Donald Trump in the presidential race, releasing a new ad Friday where the Muslim Gold Star father asks the GOP nominee: “Would my son have a place in your America?”
The Clinton campaign said the ad will air in the battleground states of Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Watch the ad and then we’ll discuss.
Captain Khan, a United States Army officer, was killed in action on June 8, 2004 in Baqubah, Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Captain Khan was killed by a suicide bomber. All respect and honor is due to Captain Khan, an American hero in the real sense, and his Gold Star Family.

You may remember the Gold Star Khan Family from the Democrat Convention in July. Khizr Khan with his wife, Ghazala Khan eloquently silent by his side, shook a copy of The Constitution at the camera and called out Republican nominee Donald Trump. Captain Khan was of the Muslim faith. And, Donald Trump has had many shifting positions, including a complete ban, on Muslims.
I would be willing to wager a small sum that until the Democratic National Convention last month most contemporary citizens of the United States of America had…
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