So this week I am departing from my streak of shari’ah coverage to bring you an interesting (if not downright amusing) look into the minds of those curious life forms known as Millennials. These can be seen on college campuses across the nation, and can be observed near the water coolers and coffee machines of offices across our great nation discussing burning neo-socialist ideas like the movement known as “15 NOW!” which is the move to push the Federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. Another interesting side of Millennial culture that can be observed in this generation is the interesting concept of “privilege”. This word is most often paired with the term “Check your” -as in “Check your privilege” which is defined by the Urban Dictionary (not usually a bastion of Conservative thought) as:
“A term screamed by far left sheltered liberals when they hear a white person say something that might offend someone that isn’t a straight white male. You will have this term screamed at you if say anything offensive to the LGBT, blacks, or any other kind of person thats not white, straight or male.”
You see privilege applies to many “minorities” in the Millennial culture, as listed in the quote above. One that has been a focus discussion with friends of mine as of late has been the concept of lesbian privilege. If you are settling back in your chair and rubbing your forehead, wondering just what “lesbian privilege” is, I have some examples for you to ponder. One comes to me from a site called from a blog posting entitled “After 15 years of Lesbianism, I Am Dating Men And I Have No Idea What I Am Doing”. This was a hilarious look into the mind of a former “Gold Star Lesbian” (this is a new term for me, and I had a lesbian roommate in college! Who knew?) who at the age of 35 is learning those valuable lessons most of us straight women learned from our mothers and girlfriends when we were about 15. Things like:
“How to catch a man. Gift-giving tips. Recipes for romance. Is he marriage material? Are you? What exactly is marriage material? Probably chiffon. 1001 sex tips. I’m sorry, did you just tell him you love him AFTER labor day? Whatever you do don’t order chai. Men hate chai. 1001 flirting fails. Clothing men hate but women love. Your tank top repulses him. Are those culottes? Who do you think you are? Lena Dunham? Men HATE Lena Dunham. Your bra straps are showing, you whore.”
Actress Lena Dunham, evidently the bain of men’s existence
I have to be honest reading this blog posting, I was rolling on the floor laughing my straighter than straight posterior off at these things. At least she did not stumble upon the book “The Rules: A Dating Journal” or she would have really been lost! She was also struggling with concepts like “Should I play hard to get?” and other various amusing things that every woman has struggled with since the inception of time. I answered a posting on Facebook discussing the post as “LOL! This was HILARIOUS! We straight ladies have thought WTF about menfolk at some time in our lives! Welcome!”, and I meant it. Really ladies, who among us has not looked at our husband or boyfriend and thought “WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON??”. Show me a woman who denies it and I will show you a pretty little liar.
Lierre Keith, radical feminist and vegan
Another, less amusing, example of lesbian privilege comes to us from my dear friend Daylight Disinfectant as a result of an investigation he did on campus conferences at a local University. He attended a radical feminist conference (brave of any man) and got some prime video of many crazy things but the one that stood out to me as a great example of this lesbian privilege concept was a woman named Lierre Keith who gave a presentation during which she had a giant slide of a penis on the wall behind her calling for the abolition of the white race (of which she is a member) and of men (who she bears a striking resemblance to). At the closing of her presentation she says:
“Liberty and a living planet will only be won when masculinity, its religion, its economics, it’s psychology and it’s sex is resisted and finally defeated.”
I doubt that she, and her ilk, would know anything of liberty. You can see the whole four minute presentation here. In short, I question where our society is going when certain groups are seen to have “privilege” over other groups. What ever happened to Gallatians 3:26 “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith”? Oh, right, I forgot that would be seen as Christian privilege. Perhaps we all just need to stop seeing ourselves as victims of one another and simply work together. What a concept!
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