#LasVegasShooting: Amid Chaos and Terror, Stories of Heroism Emerge

#LasVegasShooting: Amid Chaos and Terror, Stories of Heroism Emerge
Flags nationwide where lowered to half-staff following the heinous mass shooting in Las Vegas Sunday night (Photo Credit: Twitter)
America awoke yesterday morning to yet another horrific mass shooting, with terrifying images leaping from our screens and filling our social media newsfeeds. There were conflicting stories on the shooter himself, theories on his motivation, and vile, glee-filled posts coming from the Far Left, dancing on the bodies of their own fellow citizens. But amid the chaos and terror that literally rained down Sunday night on our fellow Americans doing nothing other than enjoying a night of country music in Sin City, stories of heroism have emerged:

Sonny Melton of Tennessee was a 29-year-old emergency room and intensive care nurse. He gave his life to save his wife, Heather:

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Ava Gardner