It isn’t difficult to find a conspiracy under every rock. Human nature is such that someone always looks for another explanation, usually one more far-fetched, than the official reason for pretty much anything that happens. One of the most famous, at least here in the States, has to be the Kennedy Assassination. I’ve lost track of the number of different theories concerning it. They range from Lyndon Johnson setting JFK up to the Mafia to Kennedy actually surviving and living on an island somewhere. But we now have a new one and the Tin Foil Hat Brigade is out in force with it. It seems there are those who believe First Lady Malania Trump has been replaced by a body double. Yep, that’s right. They think a body double steps in, at least for some photo ops.
Oh, not all the time. At least most of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade hasn’t gone that far. But they claim there are times when they can prove – PROVE – it’s not the First Lady making public appearances. They point to comments by the President, statements they claim no one would say if they weren’t trying to hide the truth. Others look so closely at the appearance of the First Lady that you have to wonder if they are merely fans or have stalkers tendencies. You see, they KNOW what Mrs. Trump looks like and the woman in the video below is — gasp — a body double and not the real First Lady.
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