I’m certain everyone is simply giddy that the Personal Pronoun of the United States (known henceforth as PPOTUS) is FINALLY able to take that vacation for which he’s worked so hard (painful that was to type) and waited so long (Hawaii and Aspen are already in third grade history books by now, more than likely under PPOTUS’s International Conquests Leading to World Peace of Our 57 States). You’re probably all wondering, though, “What about Bo??”
Never fear, enlightened readers, for the First Pup has his own personal air taxi!
Wait, what?
Oh, indeed, the Canine in Chief will absolutely be able to join that representative collective known as the First Family on their annual (except for last year’s full campaign mode exception) summer sojourn to Martha’s Vineyard. The Perro de los PPOTUS arrived in style earlier today via his very own MV-22 Osprey.

According to The Telegraph, the pampered pup joined his family by Marine helicopter this afternoon in order to enjoy a bit of quality family time with Prezbo, the ChelleBo & Chain, and the little Bo’s- yet another accomplishment duplicated by no previous President. Fab-oo.
So, while so many of my veteran friends are on furlough, families are cutting corners on basic necessities, and those pesky little “phony scandals” still haven’t resurrected the “phony dead Americans”, our tax dollars are being put to good use flying PPOTUS’s puffed up pooch to his vacation destination.
Yay. I can not begin to describe my level of excitement at the thought that eventually PPOTUS’s vacation will be permanent…..and that’s what gets me through the day.
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