Microbrewer Creates Beer Mocking Islam; Outrage Ensues

Micro-brewers are generally a pretty creative bunch, concocting some unique beer flavors and attaching labels to their bottles which are inventive and often — to some whiny types — offensive.

St. Louis brewer Derrick Langenecker (now there’s a brewer’s name!) just created the Mother of all Offensive Beers which he plans to release on August 1 through his Alpha Brewing Company.


It’s a beer mocking Islam originally named “Submission Ale.” One part of the label, depicting a pig in a burkha, reads “Alpha Ackbar,” and “This smoked ale will blow your mind.”

And, on cue, the social justice warriors were outraged! Outraged!

Ah, but Langenecker is an equal opportunity offender. He scoffed, “This is the eighth in our Indoctrination Series. No one was upset when we put the Pope on the label.”

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