January 9, 2014
Why No Answers On IRS Scandal? Maybe Because – Obama Donor Leading the Investigation?
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa is frustrated. Why? Well not only does he not get answers to his many inquiries into this investigation, but it was recently brought to his attention that a big Obama donor is leading the probe into the scandal involving the targeting of Conservative and Tea party groups. Yes, an Obama supporter and donor that has not only contributed to Obama’s two Presidential campaigns, but has been a donor to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as well.
So let’s meet the head of the investigation. Her name is Barbara Kay Bosserman. Bosserman is a trial attorney in the Justice Department. Bosser also made a donation of $400 to the DNC in 2004 and $250 in 2008. Bosserman donated $3600 to Obama’s Presidential campaign in 2008 and $2000 to his campaign in 2012. Bosserman donated $500 to the Obama Victory Fund in 2012. Bosserman is the HEAD of the investigation into the probe of the IRS targeting of Conservative and Tea Party groups .. and we wonder why we still have no answers?
Has this investigation been compromised? How can an avid Obama donor and supporter be chosen to lead this investigation without the possibility of political bias? According to Issa,
“By selecting a significant donor to President Obama to lead an investigation into inappropriate targeting of Conservative groups, the Department has created a startling conflict of interest.”
On Wednesday, Issa sent a letter to Attorney General, Eric Holder revealing the discovery of Bosserman as the lead in the internal investigation and to inquire as to why they have had no response from the FBI regarding questions made from the Committee. According to Issa, the FBI and the Justice Department have stonewalled his efforts to find out what is going on. His frustration is mounting and with this recent revelation, the answers to the Committee’s questions may not come anytime soon.
Clearly this is a conflict of interest. Clearly this investigation has been compromised. Clearly Holder and the DOJ knew what they were doing when they appointed Bosserman to lead this investigation and clearly Bosserman must be removed! The Justice Department spokeswoman, Dena Iverson has made the claim that,
“It is contrary to Department policy and a prohibited personnel practice under federal law to consider the political affiliation of career employees or other non-merit factors in making personnel decisions”
Coincidentally (sarcasm), this particular “career employee” just happens to be a HUGE Obama donor. If we are able to get Bosserman removed as the head of this investigation, we have yet to see the potential damage that may hinder an impartial, unbiased investigation into this yet another Obama administration scandal.
You can read what my fellow Victory Girl writer, Katie, has to say about this same subject by going here.

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