Former President Barack Obama gave a speech in Indonesia this week before the Indonesia Diaspora Congress. The print, cable news networks and alphabet networks all dutifully reported that Obama zinged Trump without mentioning the name President Donald J. Trump. They all got it wrong. They have always gotten it wrong. Barack Obama zinged “We the People”. He hates us. All of us. As in the U.S.A. of us.
Barack Obama in Indonesia
From his 2008 Brandenburg Gate speech as a candidate through his “Presidential Apology Tour”. it has always been the American people, the “We the People” of the Constitution that he has been apologizing for to others. The evidence has always shown that Obama hates us.
Here are the first ten minutes of the speech, but I wouldn’t waste my time watching it.
With apologies to Sally Field, Obama hates us, he really hates us. Barack Obama opened his Presidency with an apology tour, blaming America for the ills of…
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