J.K. Rowling: Happy Anniversary And Nerts To The Trans Activists

J.K. Rowling: Happy Anniversary And Nerts To The Trans Activists

Congratulations and pop the champagne. Harry Potter’s literary mother, J.K. Rowling, and her husband, Dr. Neil Murray, celebrated their 23rd anniversary this week. Happily, long-time married love is certainly worth celebrating, right? Well, erm, not if you are a mentally unhinged, unhappy, jealous radical Trans Activist. They are terminally miserable and must attempt to make everyone else in the world as unhappy as they are. But, they lose, as long as we celebrate Rowling and Murray.

US Embassy Opens In Jerusalem [VIDEO]

US Embassy Opens In Jerusalem [VIDEO]

Today is the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel in its modern form, and today, the United States has formally moved its embassy from Tel Aviv…

Terror Attack In London At #Westminster [VIDEO]

Terror Attack In London At #Westminster [VIDEO]

Early this morning in London, pedestrians were run over on Westminster Bridge and an officer near the entrance to Parliament was stabbed in what London police are…

#CharlieHebdo Says Au Revior to Mohammad Cartoons

Six months after the deadly attack on their offices, and with the news that another attack was being planned to “celebrate” the one year mark since the…

No, More Gun Laws Would Not Have Stopped Sandy Hook

Sad as it is to realize, this coming Sunday will mark two years since the massacre of students and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary by an evil…

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Ava Gardner