You’ve gotta hand it to Barack Obama. He really knows how to thoroughly muff just about everything he touches. And the Bowe Bergdahl fiasco is no exception. You know you “stink like a rotten mackerel by moonlight” when you receive the praise of the Taliban. And that’s exactly what is reportedly happening to King Obama.
“…according to sources who have direct ties to the Taliban, The Blaze’s senior Washington correspondent Sara Carter said Wednesday, there is no doubt about one thing: the Taliban was extremely pleased by the declaration.
‘[Robert] definitely was, in a way, consecrating the area,’ Carter remarked on The Glenn Beck Program. “He was reaching out. …And when I contacted my sources in Pakistan who have direct links with the Taliban, [they said] the Taliban was actually thrilled that the father did this.’
Carter claimed Robert went ‘way beyond just a father reaching out to his son.’”
Indeed. Barack Obama stood beside Bob Bergdahl as he recited in Pashtu “bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim”—reportedly the war cry of Islam, translated as “in the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate”—smiling like a giddy schoolgirl on her first date, either completely ignorant of the priceless gift he was bestowing upon those who helped perpetrate 9/11, or subconsciously acting upon his not-so-veiled Muslim sympathies. Or perhaps a little of both. Either way, the Taliban is beyond “thrilled.” In their eyes, Barack Obama—consciously or otherwise—handed them, and by extension Al Qaeda, on a silver platter, a sensational propaganda tool: Their mark on our White House, and thereby our nation, which they will spread throughout the Middle East and beyond like an airborne virus until it infects the entire continent. You can’t buy that kind of marketing.
Bob Bergdahl reciting what some say is the war cry of Islam on the steps of our White House.
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