It’s Not About The Falls, Spills And Bumps

It’s Not About The Falls, Spills And Bumps

Joe Biden fell hard yesterday at the Air Force Academy. Joe was “sandbagged”. He fell hard and he didn’t pop back up. He couldn’t get up. Joe was lifted to his feet by an Air Force Officer and a couple of Secret Service Agents. And later, he “allegedly” bumped his head getting off Marine One. Let us be righteous here. It’s not about the fact that Creepy Joe is 80. It’s not about the falls, spills and bumps. It IS about the fact that Joe is not mentally or physically sound AND that the Democrat powers that be don’t care about his status. He is a puppet. They will roll Old Joe out onto the stage in a wheelchair dragging an IV drip, while Joe is drooling his tapioca. Worse than all of this, the Democrats ARE beating us and will continue to beat us with a senile, moldering near-corpse.

Air Force Academy Cadets: Must Use “Inclusive Language”

Air Force Academy Cadets: Must Use “Inclusive Language”

The Air Force Academy has decided that training for diversity and gender inclusion is far more important than training the cadets for war.

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Ava Gardner