Super Tuesday Is Coming, Nikki Haley Is Staying

Super Tuesday Is Coming, Nikki Haley Is Staying

Super Tuesday is coming, March 5, 2024, but first, we have the South Carolina primaries tomorrow. Nikki Haley is sure to lose, but she’s staying in the race at least through Super Tuesday.

Ron DeSantis Buries Nikki Haley In Civil War Battle

Ron DeSantis Buries Nikki Haley In Civil War Battle

Before y’all read this, I am still a Trump girl. Don’t get your knickers in a knot because I heap a modicum of praise on Ron DeSantis….

Nikki Haley Is Making Her Move

Nikki Haley Is Making Her Move

It appears Nikki Haley is making her move on Trump. She says she agrees with a lot of his policies. She says she was proud to serve…

Nikki Haley Isn’t Horrible

Nikki Haley Isn’t Horrible

Nikki Haley isn’t horrible, but I won’t vote for her in the primaries. She’s not my cuppa tea. Former governor for South Carolina, Nikki Haley, hopes to…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

GOP Hopeful Francis Suarez Disqualifies Self

GOP Hopeful Francis Suarez Disqualifies Self

We seem to be in permanent primary season where the tryouts tempt too many not-ready-for-prime-time players. Miami Mayor Francis Suarez just proved he needs to get off…

Chris Christie Does CNN Townhall

Chris Christie Does CNN Townhall

Chris Christie is a fat pant load. That’s not fat shaming y’all. He would be a fat pant load if he was skinny as a bean pole….

Vivek Ramaswamy To Take The Debate Stage In GOP Primary Election

Vivek Ramaswamy To Take The Debate Stage In GOP Primary Election

Vivek Ramaswamy to take the debate stage in GOP primary election, he announced Friday on Twitter.

Game Changer: Tucker Carlson And Fox News Suddenly Part Ways

Game Changer: Tucker Carlson And Fox News Suddenly Part Ways

In an extremely sudden and shocking announcement this morning, Fox News issued a statement saying Tucker Carlson is ousted, effective immediately.

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Ava Gardner