Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! The weather has turned hot and humid while our favorite craft and home furnishing stores are shifting to all things fall. Sorry, cozy plaids and soup tureens in the shape of pumpkins are not putting me in a hot cider, pumpkin spiced everything kind of mood. This is August for criminey’s sake! So our brunch today, as we stare into the abyss of November’s election day, is light, playful and full of chilled flutes of ice-cold champagne. This week was chockful of Left Authoritarian insanity including the undemocratic coronation of Korrupt Kamala — who is calibrating her message from the basement of Number One Observatory Circle where she will try and stay until her handlers can pull a Maduro. So grab a plate, dears. There’s chilled fruit, frittatas, a variet of quiches, lox and bagels and a board of classic (and chilled!) entremets! Let’s get to it. Kampai!


Dude looks like a lady

The video clips of the fight between boxers Imane Khelif and Angela Carini are being given the Mini-True treatment almost as fast as the Olympic Last Supper FUBAR. And the hordes of activists who have swarmed social media to intimidate or bully any objection to him because he allegedly was “born female” and is “not trans” you TERF’s have been legion. But hey, the issue with Khelif has been known since 2022 and deliberately ignored by the IOC.

István Kovács, the European Vice President of the World Boxing Organization and former Secretary General of the International Boxing Association, told Hungarian press that he had warned the International Olympic Committee about males participating in women’s boxing as early as 2022, but that nothing was done.

In a shocking statement made to Magyar Nemzet yesterday, Kovács confirmed the speculation surrounding the Algerian boxer, adding that it had been known as early as 2022 that Khelif was biologically male.

“The problem was not with the level of Khelif’s testosterone, because that can be adjusted nowadays, but with the result of the gender test, which clearly revealed that the Algerian boxer is biologically male,” Kovács said in an interview with Magyar Nemzet, adding that a total of five boxers had been examined including Khelif by the International Boxing Association, and all of them “were indeed men.”

Even if Khelif suffers from some rare chromosomal abnormality that gave him ambiguous genitalia, he has known for two years that he harbors a profound advantage (testosterone-fueled male puberty) over natal females. He became a cheater the minute he decided compete at the Olympics and not one drop of sympathy should be offered to him.

Unfortunately, the TQ+ cabal is doubling down and expect more attacks on women’s sports and the people who support women and girls.


Jonathan Lewis could not be reached for comment

Reverse the shades of melanin of victim and perps and just imagine the reaction to this injustice. But no, time to move on and let these oppressed youths go on with their lives. Future victims? You all are on your own. Be prepared.


Potemkin Kamala

While American Pravda is busy constructing the New! Improved! Today is Day Zero! Kamala Harris, her sordid past and radical statements continue to be unearthed. Oops, sorry Second Gentleman!

Of course, her contemporary statements are not all that endearing either.

It’s been, what, two weeks since Creepy Joe was forced to drop out of the race (but still allowed to wander around the White House grounds) and Kamala has done no interviews nor press conferences. Her puppet masters know she can’t speak without a script, so they are busy trying to run out the clock by keeping her appearances fully managed. It’s Covid Bunker 2024 for VP Roundheels.


Trumps ability to drive the Left totally bat guano

A couple spot on perspectives.


Trump getting shot makes him Mussolini or something

Now this is what you call toning down the rhetoric, eh?

Trump is known to drink water from time to time, just like Hitler Mussolini!

You really don’t hate American Pravda enough.


Your Sunday pep talk

William Jacobson clarifies the next three months —

It happens every election cycle, particularly presidential elections. I’ve written about it since 2011, we even have a tag for it, named, you guessed it, Operation Demoralize. The phenomenon describes how a swarming hostile dishonest media is able to create a narrative of doom for Republicans, that all hope is lost, to demoralize Republicans into giving up weeks and months before an election.

Do not despair. FIGHT!


Your Sunday smile


And here we are again, at the end of our Sunday brunch together. I know we were a little political heavy this week, but I humbly submit that the eight-years-long histrionics from The Left over normal people daring to even criticize them in public is reaching a critical junction. VP Roundheels isn’t *the* problem, she’s just another sockpuppet who is, ultimately, neither the problem nor the should be our focus. It is the system that they control and operate. That must be our primary focus. So put that to the back of your mind to simmer while seizing the rest of today to enjoy with family and friends. We gather here again next Sunday. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Kevin says:

    Operation Demoralize? I counter with the media not taking sides in this battle. Let’s go back a couple of weeks ago when the Malignant Tumor got his ear pierced by a bullet. (No conspiracy; just a confused young man who acted alone and had luck on his side that he wasn’t killed earlier that day.) Anyway, back to July 13, 2024. Ten minutes prior to the shooting, the Malignant Tumor was up in every poll; even in some purple or blue states. The media reported daily if not minute-by-minute that Biden couldn’t put a sentence together. Then the shooting occurred and the Malignant Tumor’s polls skyrocketed and in some cases were up by double digits. Then, Biden drops out and Kamala gets in the polls begin to shift. After a couple of weeks, the Malignant Tumor is at best tied and in some cases behind in the polls.

    If you watched the Malignant Tumor’s Georgia rally where he spent a considerable amount of time denigrating the republican governor, squealing about “empty seats,” talking about now “Dr.” Hannibal Lecter, Joe Biden, and how to pronounce K A M A L A, you can understand why the polls have shifted. People (minus the bat-shit-crazy cult members) have been pleading for another choice. Well, they got one and now the polls are shifting.

    And that’s because of the media? No, it’s because of your narcissistic sociopath candidate. When it comes to the Malignant Tumor, you (VG) always wants to blame the media when in fact it’s your candidate. Fortunately, there’s nothing anyone can say or do to get him to change his reptilian ways. His first response/reaction is always the same … like a snake striking out. Republicans are wringing their hands and pulling out their smelling salts whenever the Malignant Tumor rage tweets or speaks in public because he makes exponentially more unforced errors than home runs, which, as Martha Stewart would say, “That’s a good thing.”

    • Scott says:

      Damn, you go from telling the truth in one post to this ridiculous screed.. As they say, it ain’t just a river in Egypt.. The flip you mention in the press was all with the intent of forcing joe out and i stalling the next puppet. I think deep down you actually realize that, but you have to keep up support for the agenda.. the argument could be made that your comments are an intended extension of “operation demoralize”

      In the second story, those little thugs should not only be tried as adults, but face the death penalty. They obviously have no respect for life ( part of the intent of the demonrat death cult) You are also spot on with the comment about the reversal of melanin and the effect that would have had on the case. Remember the names of the murderers, without question, you will see them again if you pay attention..
      As to men beating up women in the Olympics, this is what happens when we give in toe the trans cult. Every woman scheduled to face one of these confused individuals should refuse to fight them, as the only possible outcome is loss and injury. Better to stand up and loudly state why you will not participate in the charade.

      • GWB says:

        the argument could be made that your comments are an intended extension of “operation demoralize”
        Oh, they definitely are. No two ways about it.

    • GWB says:

      Ten minutes prior to the shooting, the Malignant Tumor was up in every poll; even in some purple or blue states. The media reported daily if not minute-by-minute that Biden couldn’t put a sentence together.
      And for months before that, they shielded Slow Joe from even the hint of incompetency.

      People (minus the bat-shit-crazy cult members) have been pleading for another choice.
      And they are stuck with Kamala. Go figure.

      Your narrative is not going to stick, except with those who have no source of information than CNN, MSNBC, and TikTok.

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  • Kevin says:

    Here’s an article from the BBC …

    Wingnut outrage goes up in smoke … Carini, also 25, said abandoning the fight had been a mature step to take, but she expressed regret at not shaking hands with Khelif afterwards. “It wasn’t something I intended to do,” Carini said. “Actually, I want to apologise to her and everyone else. I was angry because my Olympics dream had gone up in smoke.” She added that if she met Khelif again, she would “embrace her”.

    Good job Victoryless Girls at trying to stoke hate and misinformation!

    • Darleen Click says:

      Wow, Kev … you not only get off on watching males beat up girls but the bonus of having girls grovel and apologize for not celebrating the humiliation.

      This is my shocked face.

      • Cameron says:

        It seems that gay men are worst misogynists than straight ones. Look at the hate he spews here on a regular basis.

  • Cameron says:

    FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris says mandatory gun confiscation is “a great idea” — then says she’ll do it by executive action within her “first 100 days.”

    That is not going to go very well. I’m betting the Supreme Court will slap it down hard the instant she tries signing it into being.

  • GWB says:

    I’ve seen Possum Trot. It’s is a fantastic movie about people taking on the challenge of the orphaned as the Lord calls them, and succeeding. It’s a great uplifting movie.

    And thank you for the LotR scene. That sort of thing is needed right now. (And not just for politics.)

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