Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! How are you faring with the spring-forward shenanigan? We have espresso coffee amongst our libations this morning. I’m happy to pass it along with your flute of bubbly. This has certainly been a week for whiplash — Leftists livid at an unanimous SCOTUS ruling that Trump stay on the ballot following by wild seal-barking praise of Creepy Joe’s drug-induced screaming and slurring that was supposed to pass as a State of the Union report. Dears, show of hands, how many of you watched the whole thing? For me, I know there just wasn’t enough wine in my home to rinse my mouth of the rancid taste of that hate-filled raving. Believe me, I tried! So grab a glass and a plate full of savory brunch offerings and let’s get to it. L’Chaim!


Biden’s unAmerican priorities

Keep in mind Biden’s statements are crafted and this appearance on MS-DNC is fully stage managed.

Insult to injury, Biden takes to bashing/blaming Trump and has no thoughts about “Lincoln Riley’s” family. Creepy Joe reaches new depths of toxic pond scum.


Creepy Joe ‘Hot Mic’ take

What a precious thing to say about the Jewish prime minister of a Jewish nation. Of course, Shadow President Barack has long hated Israel so Good Old Joe has no problem threatening Bibi. Foreign policy by off-the-cuff ambush.


Dear, stop threatening us with a good time


Women’s sports are not a consolation prize for mediocre male athletes

Kudos for women’s golf bucking the Transcult agenda.

Transgender golfer Hailey Davidson’s playing options just got significantly smaller. NXXT Golf announced on Friday that, effective immediately, competitors must be a biological female at birth to participate. A statement from the tour notes that it underscores the organization’s commitment to “maintaining the integrity of women’s professional golf and ensuring fair competition.”

And epic move for announcing the return of women’s golf to women on International Women’s Day.



Democrat says the quiet part outloud

Rep. Daniel Sachs Goldman (yes, he is the ultra-rich heir to Levi Strauss) doesn’t trust you under-educated hoi polloi with being on social media without BigGov supervision.

See, you don’t really get to have First Amendment rights without your betters in the Ruling Class looking over your shoulder and deciding what you actually are allowed to say out loud. ::::le sigh::::

The Left has always viewed the US Constitution as an impediment to its agenda. A ‘living document’ is no document at all, just a blank piece of parchment that they can rewrite interpret at will.


Sunday palate cleanser

The first 13 years of my life were lived in the San Fernando Valley, starting in the mid-1950s when it was still heavily agricultural. Ah, memories.

Tumbleweeds invading Utah.
byu/yeezee93 inBeAmazed

Of course, I need to give you the appropriate soundtrack to go with the above.


Your Sunday smile

Wow, a pressing need gets met without BigGovernment!

When Caroline Gold was accepted for her dream job working at Yellowstone National Park in 2021, she immediately informed her employer in Texas she was leaving. Then she started looking for housing in rural Montana near her new place of work. That’s when she wondered, “Am I going to have to un-resign from my job because there’s no housing here?” she tells NPR. For years, it’s been a struggle to find affordable housing in many places, but especially around this popular national park. It may now get easier, though. As NPR reports, anonymous donors have given $40 million to Yellowstone with the goal of building affordable housing for some of the 3,000 staff who keep the park running during the peak tourist season.

Anonymous donors.

Matthew 6:3-4


Whoops! Look at where the time has gone. I encourage you to doggy-bag some snacks here and plan an afternoon nap. Really, can’t we just pick one time schedule and stick to it? Do enjoy the rest of the day and let’s meet back here next Sunday. Cheers!

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    The First Amendment is absolute. And that is why a lot of politicians despise it so much.

    (And before our liberals chime in with something like “fire in a crowded theater”, I am going to mock you as the ignorant child you are.)

    Regarding the bit about Yellowstone, I am honestly surprised that the issue of housing for personnel hasn’t been addressed until now. But it’s good that private citizens are willing to step up.

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  • Anna A says:

    I like Agenda 47. I would draw a line about concealed carry. I’d make sure that felons, convicted of serious, violent crimes were excluded. (but then a lot of them get guns illegally, so the issue may be moot.)

    • GWB says:

      I’m not sure where the Agenda 47 thing came up. But, if a felon has done his time and is released, unless you consider him a danger that would require locking him up for longer, how can you deny him the return of his rights? And, if you do think they shouldn’t be restored, then why haven’t you convicted him of something that will keep him in jail longer?

  • GWB says:

    Shadow President Barack has long hated Israel
    Oh puhlease. 0bama is NOT the “shadow president.” Heck, he wasn’t even the real president. He was nothing more than an articulate puppet (with good pants creases) with enough ego to pretend he was the smartest guy in the room. The people behind 0bama (and Biden) are the ones who hate Israel – it’s part of their Progressive doctrine.

    ::::le sigh::::
    No. Wrong answer. Torches, pitchforks, rope and lampposts,guns and hunting dogs are the way to react to this crap. The sighing days are long past. We need to provide heavy, personal, consequences to these sorts of people to prevent their further encroachment on our natural rights.

    Thank you for the Roy Rogers song. 🙂

    Also good to follow it with the goodness of individuals (not some collective) to try and get good housing for those working hard to maintain our natural heritage.

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