Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! I hope you had a joyful Thanksgiving. Casa Click certainly did and with all the traditional trimmings! Mimosa’s on deck and a plethora of brunchy munchies — lovely fruit and cheese board, frittatas, and bagels with fixings. A good way to ease into the [checks notes] 28 days before Christmas.

Oops. Didn’t mean to jiggle your elbow on that, dears. Here’s some napkins and let me top off your drink with more champagne and let’s get to it. L’chaim!


Erasing America, one holiday at a time

We shouldn’t be shocked that the violence of pro-Hamas students perpetuated on Jews and the Jews-adjacent that we see on campus when we get this drivel passing for edumacation

The superintendent of the school system in America’s wealthiest county has moved the classic American holiday to the category of religious and partisan holidays celebrated only by some.

In a message to families, Loudoun County, Virginia Superintendent Aaron Spence wrote that this week, “many families will celebrate Thanksgiving,” and that, “Amid this busy-ness, I hope you and your loved ones find time during the Thanksgiving break — regardless of whether you celebrate this holiday or not — to share your gratitude.”

Epic question begging there … I’ll start with the obvious — Grateful for what?

We desperately need to insist on certain shared public traditions. All around us are people who not only don’t get America but who indoctrinate their children to hate it. We can first curb that by not allowing these people in any position over kids.


Weaponizing “manners”

I have never seen such a group of bluenoses, not just inordinately proud of their definition of Superior Morality as The Woke but so militant in their enforcement of their way of Diversity. One of the first casualties in the Woke’s culture war is comedy.

Rob Schneider joined John Cleese on GB News to discuss the evolution of woke culture and how it impacts the current material of comedians and those hosting comedy shows with a live audience.

Appearing on The Dinosaur Hour, Schneider joked that he could “get in trouble” if he shared his thoughts on this issue. (snip)

In a discussion on “woke principles” and “being so careful about everything”, Cleese asked Schneider why people should “get in trouble” if they disagree with the woke mob.

Schneider replied: “There is a group of people and there’s not as many of them as you think, but what they do is there’s a few people that claim to self righteousness.



Backwards day!

Another Sunday and another “living my authentic life” guy in a dress haz thoughts … and a threatened lawsuit.

A transgender woman (sic) footballer whose physical power on the pitch left opponents ‘terrified’ is considering taking legal action for discrimination after opposing teams refused to play against her (sic). (snip)

The boycott is said to have followed a player suffering a broken knee when ‘blocking a shot’ from the trans player Francesca Needham, 30.

When word spread about the incident, some players refused to play against Needham for ‘safety’ reasons and two matches in the Sheffield and Hallamshire Women’s League were called off.

The only way women are going to keep their sexually separated designation is still to refuse to give these Other Ladies any room to maneuver. Don’t accept them in Women’s sports, push them out of women’s shelters, demand their removal from women’s prisons.

Just stop accepting these paraphiliacs as females.


Maori come out to support Israel

And make the pro-Hamas Hitler Youth think twice (or more) about making trouble.

Last week, Maori activists from New Zealand came to Brisbane, Australia to rally and stand with Israel. That in and of itself is noteworthy, but in the process of showing their solidarity, the Maoris also thwarted a pro-Palestinian rally. That’s a definition of Win-Win if there ever was one. The Maoris performed a traditional Haka, a loud, raucous, and intimidating war dance that is meant to put fear in one’s enemies, while also building the character of the warrior performing the dance. In terms of the horrors of the ongoing Israel-Hamas War, not to mention a lot of things happening in our world today, we could use both of these.


1800-Year-Old Pronoun Nonsense

It’s bad enough when pink-hair, grey-goateed, pudgy men in peignoirs insist on Tik-Tok that everyone must abide by their prefered pronouns or else, but now add in ostensible professionals who run a UK Museum are insisting that a Roman Emperor — male — will be referred to as she.

AU.K. museum says that Roman emperor Elagabalus was a transgender woman and it will refer to the third-century ruler as “she.”

The North Hertfordshire Museum said it wants to be “sensitive” to the reported preferred pronouns of Elagabalus, who ruled from A.D. 218 to A.D. 222 before being assassinated at the age of 18

Sensative? Sensative? Dear lord, people, the man has been dead over 1800 years but some handwringing, neurotic Wokie has an attack of the superiority feelz and now will layer the 21st century’s Transcult nonsense on poor Elagabalus? Especially when all this looking-for-a-trans-needle-among-the-ruins may be as genuine as Hillary’s Steele Dossier?

“The Romans didn’t have our idea of ‘trans’ as a category, but they used accusations of sexual behaviour ‘as a woman’ as one of the worst insults against men,” Cambridge classics professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill said.

Because Elagabalus was Syrian and not Roman, “there’s racial prejudice going on there too,” Wallace-Hadrill also said.

There you go.


Your Sunday smile

Never underestimate grandmas

For over twenty years, a colorful collective of ladies residing at a senior living community in Dallas have crafted thousands of hand-knit items, bringing warmth and support to children both in Texas and overseas.

And, with sass and swing, they call themselves the Knit Wits.

Every Friday, they gather around a long table with yarn and knitting needles to lend a hand from their home at Edgemere—and their latest project is a collaboration with Children’s Health in Dallas to create homemade caps for infants facing heart problems.


That wraps it up for this Sunday. Why is it that having a good time with friends slips by so fast? I’m grateful for your company and as we enter the Christmas season, I offer a prayer that we can find joy, peace and love while wrapped up in the warmth of our family and friends. Enjoy your week, dears, and I’ll see you next Sunday. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • […] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]

  • Cameron says:

    Happy Sunday, everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now to come to peace with the fact I have to go to work tomorrow.

  • GWB says:

    regardless of whether you celebrate this holiday or not
    I want to point out one note: Jehovah’s Witnesses do not celebrate Thanksgiving. They do not insist others do not celebrate, generally, however. I have known of schools who had sensitivity to this even back in the dark ages of the 80s.

    Grateful for what?
    Actually, the more important question is, grateful to whom. You need an object of your thanks in order to be thankful. And, if you eliminate any creator or other beneficent from your worldview, then … nihilism. And that’s why you see all of these “kids” who can’t seem to be thankful for anything.

    One of the first casualties in the Woke’s culture war is comedy.
    I bought a card game this weekend called “The Bible Is Funny.” It pairs totally out of context Bible verses (like a portion of Revelation 2:13, “I know where you live.”) with silly situations. I’m sure there are Bible scolds who will tell me “That’s not funny!” But I think it’s hilarious.I went back and bought another for a gift to a retired chaplain I know. The Pharisees would have said “That’s not funny!” And I always look askance at Pharisees – of any religion.

    women are going to keep their sexually separated designation
    Well, the first thing they have to do is acknowledge that women are NOT equal to men in the sense of “being the same.” In some arenas men are “better”, and in other arenas women are “better”. And in some arenas they only really work together. When Progressives acknowledge that, then we can start the climb down.

    The pro-Hamas protesters, lacking courage, fled the scene.
    Yeah, baby! That’s what a haka is about! Proud of those Maori.

    1800-Year-Old Pronoun Nonsense
    It’s all part of the Year Zero nonsense.

    they call themselves the Knit Wits
    Our Lutheran Women’s Missionary League has done prayer shawls for 3 decades, at least. And some knitting caps for the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters kids, too. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, and it provides wonderful love to those in need. Many blessings on the Knit Wits for their love.

    Thanks, Darleen.

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