Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Sit down and get comfy. Been another week for the books, don’t you think? From Trump’s smackdown of Houthis to Elon’s splashdown of the stranded astronauts, we have a week filled with things to celebrate along with ever more shrill screams and shenanigans from Democrats across the country. We knew that this wouldn’t be easy, the Left has at least a 50 year head start of burrowing in and compromising the nation. Sunlight will be the best disinfectant, so hang on during the reveal. Pass the plates while I pour the champagne and let’s get to it. Kanpai!



Now, before one of our usual irrational Lefties shows up to scream “Constitutional Crisis” because the Secretary of Defense talks smack about an activist, compromised judge trying to run the Executive branch, a comment on X doesn’t constitute ignoring a court order. While utterly frustrating, the Trump administration hasn’t ignored orders of the court — regardless of their legality — but is still working within the system of legal challenges to these clearly unConstitutional orders.


Wakeup, girlfriend, and smell the espresso…

… if some guy is claiming to be a male feminist, run the other way. And don’t look back.

Give some credit to young Democrat hustle Harry Sisson, reluctant as you may be, for turning some small amount of social media savvy into a lucrative career as a progressive influencer — not to mention all those sweet young ladies that the 23-year-old professional Democrat has reportedly tried to con into sending him their most intimate photos of themselves.

Sisson likes to play a male feminist on social media, you’ll be shocked to learn. (snip)

Oh, yeah — he also creeps on women while playing the male feminist.

GOP operative Sarah Fields reported on X Tuesday that Sisson “convinced 11 different women that ‘he had no roster’ and ‘respected them for more than their bodies’ while persuading them to send explicit photos of themselves through Snapchat.” One of them is reportedly a survivor of domestic abuse.

“When the women discovered each other one by one, he called them all insane and attempted to coerce one of them into telling the public that the photos were ‘fake.'”

What a prince!


Unhinged Left has no “quiet thing” mode

It’s all outloud and cranked to 11.

Weirdly, this kind of “Make me happy or I will punish you and it will be your fault” schtick is the same thing domestic abusers pull. Hmmmm.


My shocked face is on the beach in Florida and won’t return my calls

Like this was unexpected. Totally, man.

A Dothan man was arrested again on Monday just two months after former President Joe Biden commuted his sentence.

Dothan Police charged Willie Frank Peterson on Monday with possessing cocaine, hydrocodone, marijuana, and two counts of illegally possessing firearms, according to WTVY.

Biden commuted Peterson’s prior sentence and those of many other criminals in his final days in office.

According to WTVY, court records show Peterson was sentenced to 75 months in August 2023. Biden commuted his sentence on January 17, and he was released from prison the following week. A commutation isn’t a full pardon but rather a lesser penalty substituted for the punishment given after a conviction.

Want to bet this is one of those autopen pardons/commutations?


WrongPeople with their WrongThink

Full text:

Zeynep’s new New York Times piece on lab leak is unreal.

She acknowledges that lab leak was probably the origin of SARS-CoV-2, but still she manages to demonize the people who pointed this out, suggesting that they did it in the WRONG WAY, and thus, it was reasonable to lie about it in response.

Yes, that’s right. It’s not the fault of public health officials that they covered up COVID’s origins. Rather, it’s the fault of those who told the truth about it.

These poor widdle pubwic heawth officials: they had no choice but to deny accountability in the face of harsh criticism.

Who wouldn’t?! Their feelings were hurt! They had to!

We can see Zeynep’s strategy here.

She gets to be the the GOOD truth-teller, with her friends in the establishment as GOOD liars, while all of her opponents remain BAD truth-tellers because they didn’t do their truth-telling in the NEW YORK TIMES or perhaps because their tweets were TOO MEAN.


Let me tell you something: nobody cares more about science than the people who sacrificed their professional reputations to tell the truth about COVID-19.

And without whose hard investigative work, I should mention, Zeynep might never have written this article.

All of this just fills me with sourness and disgust.

In all the terrible articles about COVID-19 that I’ve read by Zeynep Tufekci, this one was the nastiest and worst.

Never ever trust anything from legacy media. Ever.


Bring back public stocks

This is the kind of story that, at first glance, has got to be fiction. But nobody could make up this kind of equine excrement.

One of the seven small federal agencies that President Donald Trump ordered downsized or eliminated on Friday was rife with corruption, with its employees hiring friends and relatives, commissioning paintings of themselves, and using government credit cards to indulge in constant luxuries.

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) occupied a nine-story office tower on D.C.’s K Street for only 60 employees, many of whom actually worked from home, prior to the pandemic. Its managers had luxury suites with full bathrooms; one manager would often be “in the shower” when she was needed, while another used her bathroom as a cigarette lounge. FMCS recorded its director as being on a years-long business trip to D.C. so he could have all of his meals and living expenses covered by taxpayers, simply for showing up to the office.

Now, dears, I urge you to read the whole jawdropping thing. But first let me slide a double-shot of Bulleit Bourbon to you.


They really don’t get it #?

I should start numbering these because this kind of cluelessness is ubiquitous on the Left:

Who wants to tell that sad little cat lady that Republicans never ‘hated’ electric cars. What real, normie Americans hate is being told they have to buy them, that the internal combustion engine was the devil’s tool.

Indeed,if the Left mandated I must, forever, only have cake for dessert (no other one allowed) I’d fight it, because of the mandate, not because I *hate* cake.

MmmMMmmm … cake. There’s some lemon-poppyseed cake on the far side of the table. Someone be a dear and pass a slice my way?


Your Sunday smile

Love love love this:


Grab those doggy bags, friends. It appears our time together this Sunday has drawn to a close. Spring is trembling to bust out all over. Go enjoy the rest of your Sunday and let’s meet again next week. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • […] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]

  • GWB says:

    one of our usual irrational Lefties shows up to scream “Constitutional Crisis”
    Well, it IS a constitutional crisis. That judge has NO jurisdiction over military decisions not encoded within law. And no law makes transgenders a protected class within military readiness. PERIOD. The judge needs to be slapped down HARD for crossing that line.

    Sisson “convinced 11 different women … to send explicit photos of themselves
    Buried lede here is “Sisson isn’t gay?!?”

    “Make me happy or I will punish you and it will be your fault” schtick is the same thing domestic abusers pull
    It’s also a thing called “extortion.”

    Want to bet this is one of those autopen pardons/commutations?
    They were, literally, ALL auto-pen.

    The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS)
    If anyone was deserving of Madame La Guillotine, it is this group of folks.

    Kudos to those kids. 🙂

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