State Of Montana Seizes “Alleged” Trans Teen From Parents

State Of Montana Seizes “Alleged” Trans Teen From Parents

State Of Montana Seizes “Alleged” Trans Teen From Parents

This story ought to make your boil and curdle. In the State of Montana, parents claim that their fourteen year old daughter has been seized, by the State, because they don’t support her gender transition. Marxists hate loving families. If the Marxists can’t kill babies in the womb, they will destroy families by turning living children against them. Todd and Krista Kolstad sound like they could be our neighbors. See what you think.

When we think of “crazy” states, Montana is rarely on the list. California, oh yes. California, Washington and Massachusetts are known for their particularly sick brands of crazy. The State of Montana is known for hard-working, hearty people, but they apparently have a cray-cray infestation. Let’s start the story with a bit from Not the Bee:

We should have listened when they told us that they were coming for your children.

Now, in MONTANA, these two parents say that they are battling with the state that kidnapped their daughter because they wouldn’t allow her to pretend to be a boy.

In Montana. A state where the gender transition of minors is illegal. They still think that not “socially transitioning” your kids is grounds to lose your kids.

A seventeen minute video is long, but the parents telling the story in their own words is the best way to learn it:

First of all, calling Krista “just the stepmother” should be firing grounds. Fourteen year old girls are notoriously unreliable. I once was one. I am grateful that everyone in my small-town put-up guardrails to keep me from going over a cliff. The State of Montana is making it nearly impossible to protect children from cliffs. To those of you wondering if the State had a warrant, Governor Greg Gianforte vetoed the bill to require a warrant:

Hospital personnel worked to undermine parental authority at every turn, including ordering a dessert when the Krista told the child to eat something healthy. Befriend the child AND undermine parents. Great. Sounds like Montana has adopted The Boston Hospital Trans Ideology.

On the other hand Radical Trans Activist Zooey Zephyr, a member of the Montana State House, seems to be just as angry/evil as anyone in Boston.

Talk about blood on someone’s hands. Mutilating children for ideological purposes is flat evil. So this confused child is taken from her parents, hospitalized and then moved to Wyoming under strange pretenses. More from Not the Bee:

Thankfully, Jennifer was not in Wyoming long before her parents were able to get her back to Montana through “temporary legal custody.” She is at a group home now and has been since September 25.

The parents have had court hearings monthly, advised only by a public defender who told the family to “keep their head down” and just wait for the process to bring their daughter back.

Guess what. That didn’t work.

At all.

But while the group home placement should have been just 6-9 months, the family’s situation took a dramatic turn for the worse during their hearing on January 19, 2024, when the court decided to hand custody of Jennifer over to Child and Family Services.

“We were told that letting Jennifer transition and live as a boy was in her ‘therapeutic best interest’ and because we aren’t willing to follow that recommendation, the court gave CFS custody of Jennifer for six months,” Krista says. “CFS is now going to place Jennifer in the care of her birth mother in Canada, who has never really been apart of her life. The judge said to us ‘you need to expect that reunification with your family may not be what you are expecting.'”

Instead of returning the child to parents who love her and don’t want to ruin her life with gender transition nonsense, Montana is going to ship their teenager to Canada to live with her birth mom who, apparently, has never been involved in her life at all since moving to Canada seven years ago.

As of today, Governor Gianforte is sticking to this story. It’s all okay because they (the State of Montana) are not transitioning this 14 year-old girl. From NBC Montana:

When asked to comment on the matter, Gov. Gianforte told TND that children’s rights to “grow up in happy, healthy homes with loving families” are “not always realized.”

“Upon hearing recent allegations related to a child welfare case, I asked Lieutenant Governor Kristen Juras – an experienced attorney, constitutional conservative, mother, and grandmother – to review it,” Gov. Gianforte said. “Consulting with the director of DPHHS and personally examining case documents, Lieutenant Governor Juras has concluded that DPHHS and the court have followed state policy and law in their handling of this tragic case.”

Gov. Gianforte continued, noting a Montana law prohibiting medical gender transitions for minors.

“Our administration will continue to advance policies that strengthen our families and protect Montana kids, like what we have done to promote adoption and to ban permanent, invasive, life-altering medical procedures on children, like puberty blockers, hormonal treatments, and sex-reassignment surgeries,” he said.

Pray for the Kolstad’s. There is no place to hide from Marxist Gender Ideology.

Featured Image: Jim Choate/ Commons

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