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Social Security is dying. Conservatives have been saying it for years. George Bush tried to solve the problem through privatization. Democrats blocked it. For years, they’ve been denying the evidence that’s right there in front of their eyes. Anyone with a brain stem can see that the system is broke. Billions and billions have been taken from Americans, and beyond the Baby Boomers, most of them won’t get it back. Privatization would help, because then Americans would be able to put the money allotted for social security into an investment account of their choosing rather than giving it to the government to spend save. Democrats don’t like that idea, simply saying it “won’t work”.
And as if the fact that Social Security is nearly bankrupt wasn’t bad enough, SSA bureaucrats have just wasted hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars partying it up.
A Social Security Administration motivational management conference held at a high-end Valley resort last week cost $700,000, the SSA told the ABC15 Investigators.
Costs for the conference at the Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa included airfare, hotel entertainment, dancers, motivational speakers, and food, an administration official said.
… A spokesperson from the SSA’s regional office said the conference was essential, that teleconferencing was not an option, and that all 675 managers needed to meet in person.
The SSA provided ABC15 with a list of courses provided at the conference, which included “Techniques to Empower You,” “Mentoring the Generations,” and “Emotional Intelligence.”
But the information provided by the SSA did not mention an after-hours casino trip, family members staying at the hotel, or the 20-minute dance party ABC15 observed.
Rooms for the conference were booked at $85 per night, far below the $400-plus room rate in prime season.
The reasoning for having the party was weak:
Social Security Regional Commissioner Peter Spencer told ABC News that staff members needed to learn how to reduce stress because of a growing number of death threats made against them.
So, nearly 700 executives from the administration gathered for the lavish three-day conference last week.
“We received threats against our employees by people who are in the American public,” said Spencer during an interview with ABC News. “There is a tremendous amount of stress involved in the job that we do.”
SSA officials also said the conference would help improve the quality of service people received from employees nationwide.
“What we were trying to achieve was an opportunity to bring together our managers so they could focus on a number of very important initiatives that are in place in the agency,” Spencer said.
Death threats? Really? So that’s why we have to pay $700,000 for a ridiculous “conference” complete with gambling, drinking, and dancing? All because they’re a little stressed out?
Well gee, just think how stressed they’ll be when they’re all fired because the taxpayers who funded their little party are pissed.
Hat Tip: Right Wing News
Got some format weirdness going on here. Everything from spend save on is struck out, including all the other text on the page. I think it’s a missing tag.
Can’t help but be disgusted.
Here I am, 32 years old, but permanently disabled after a traumatic brain injury in 2002.
I cannot work. But these people can blow $700,000 on a party and seminar? With the Social Security fund expected to die by what, 2020?
So tell me, folks, what am I supposed to do in 2020, when Social Security falls through, and I’m STILL permanently disabled?
Oh wait, nobody thought of that, did they?
Let’s not forget that their paychecks come from the taxpayer pocketbook and they didn’t seem to mind gambling, and getting drunk too.