SHOCKING: Palin is resigning as governor!

SHOCKING: Palin is resigning as governor!

Sarah Palin just held a live press conference from Wasilla, AK stating that she is resigning her post as governor. WOW.

Gov. Sarah Palin will resign her office in a few weeks, she said during a news conference at her Wasilla home Friday morning.

Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will be inaugurated at the Governor’s Picnic at the end of the month, Palin said.

There was no immediate word as to why she will resign, though speculation has been rampant that the former vice presidential candidate is gearing up for a run at the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Palin made the announcement flanked by Parnell and most, if not all, of her cabinet.

More details and commentary to come as this story develops. I will be twittering about this all afternoon. Be sure to follow me at @cassyfiano.

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  • Knightbrigade says:

    This will NOT be a bad thing.
    Sarah knows what she is doing….
    Relax and let things play out…

  • Knott Buyinit says:


  • Mat says:

    Ok, I know that I’m going to take a royal buttload of flak for this but,

    How can this “not” be a bad thing? She just suddenly decides that she doesn’t want to be governor anymore? I’d say that’s as flakey as what Gov. Sanford did. You don’t just quit a rather high political office and not have that come back to bite you in the ass, I don’t care how much you try to spin it. Ace over at Ace of Spades pretty much had the same thought, by the way, so I’m not the only one thinking this.

    She could have simply served out her term and decided six months from now that she’s not looking for re-election. In that scenario, she still would have two years of campaigning. That would have been far more logical.

  • Chris in NC says:

    Mat you are right. This would kill most political careers. I don’t know if she can recover from it, but obviously she either didn’t care about being president or she doesn’t see it the way we do.

    Now in her defense, if there is anyone who can come back from this kind of decision, it is Palin. She has a rabidly loyal fanbase (of which I am one) and they won’t abandon her.

    I think it’s a mistake. Only time will tell. Then again, maybe she doesn’t want to be president as badly as her fans want her to…

  • Knightbrigade says:

    Mat: No flak from me. If you visit AOS and Cassy you must be conservative or a major league troll…
    I’ll go with conservative.

    As far as “flakey”? I’d go with “unusual”, after all she hasn’t vanished from the country to sleep with someone. Apples and bowling balls my friend.

    Everyone is keeping a focus on a 2012 run. 2010 comes first.
    We can all judge her chances IF she decides to run in 2012.
    She is now out of the spotlight from SCUMBAGS in the McCain campaign to shitbag lefty bloggers. Her family may now hopefully get some peace. Watch how much money she can now be free to raise in the lower 48 states along with how many she can help get elected.
    Again let this play out especially CONSERVATIVES, don’t get negative or come un-glued.
    Leave the head popping for the libtards.
    Sarah is their cocain, let them OD.

  • Chris in NC says:

    And again, maybe she doesn’t want to be president. I know it’s hard to believe based on our recent political experiences, but there are people in politics who have no desire whatsoever to be president. She can spend the next couple years raising money for people, pad her bank account too and then retire to the igloos of Alaska for some moose hunting and “fun” with the hubby. It would be a far better life than for the next 10 plus years to continue to be the target of the increcible bile being thrown at her.

  • Mat says:


    The comparison was more about just abruptly quitting a major political office. Yes, it’s highly unusual, but I call it flakey because if she’s planning on making a run in 2012 then she just can’t afford to do stuff like this. She’s sending an odd message.
    It’s inconsistent. I do happen to think that she’s considering a 2012 run. You don’t just jump at a chance at VP and then not decide to eventually run for president. What does concern me is that it looks like she wants to press the proverbial “reset” button. Well, politics is nasty and you have to take the shots. This just seems like she’s quitting her responsibility.


    In politics, especially running for high office, one has to have more than just a “rabid fanbase.” Palin is probably the most articulate conservative politician since Reagan. No other Republican comes even close at this point. It’s one thing to be unconventional, but quite another to be off-the-wall and erratic.

    Now, it is entirely possible that this strategy(?) will work, but I just don’t see it happening. This just gives her political opponents more ammunition. She should have finished up her term and not seek re-election.

  • jim says:

    Sarah Palin wins my admiration. She opted to put the welfare of Alaska above her own ambitions. When the heat in the kitchen got too hot for her to handle, she left. That’s far nobler than staying put and risking the possibility of stirring up a meal laced with food poisoning because the heat has you so stressed that can no longer stay focused. Nothing wrong with Sarah Palin recognizing her own limitations. By not sticking around past her time, she goes out as as a contender and not a chump.

  • Chris in NC says:

    Mat, you and I are in total agreement on this probably hurting her *if* she has future plans for elected office. I’m not convinced of that. I think she’s walking away from elected life. She’ll fund raise for people. She’ll give speeches and write a book, but that’s it. And I’m not going to bash her on this for one reason: She had to fight off 15 frivilous suits and it cost her 500k. How much money does one have to lose before they can say “enough”? A million, two million? Do they finally have to go bankrupt? How many times do you have to see your MRDD baby photoshopped with the face of a deformed sex offender like Wonkette did last week before you can say “enough”. I know politicians have to have a thick skin, but what she went through ever since August 8th, has been so far beyond the pale that I think most would have left a long time ago.

    I do agree with you when you say that having a rabid fanbase isn’t enough. But think about Obama for a minute. Do you really think he would have been elected had Bush not been so weak at the end? People hated Bush and the republicans with a passion and voted as such. Well, I think by 2012, the hatred of Obama and his policies will rival that of Bush’s 2008 hatred. When that happens, a head of lettuce will be able to beat Obama. Palin, Romney, FRED! or even Rudy will make mince meat out of him.

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