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“Reverend” Al Sharpton once again wants media attention. This time he is trying to get something out of the fiasco in Ferguson. And he is actually accusing Mr. Holder and Ms. Lynch who were and are US Attorney Generals heading the Department of Justice (DOJ) of lying. Yes, the known tax evader ($4.5 million in back taxes) did say that. Sharpton who is an MSNBC Commentator is not getting enough airtime so he showed up on the Megyn Kelly show to do this:
Sharpton slammed Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the incident, saying it didn’t make sense and that he couldn’t have been in fear for his life.
The DOJ Sharpton wanted to have take over the local police departments now is wrong? Seriously?
Frankly Sharpton is less reliable than a carny or a jailhouse snitch. The DOJ investigated this particular shooting for a year. The feds take a long time to investigate. It should be noted that the results did not fit the narrative Sharpton was trying to build.
A Department of Justice report the following year concluded that Wilson shot Brown in self-defense and that witnesses who incriminated him weren’t credible.
In other words, DOJ thoroughly investigated the shooting of Michael Brown (also known as suicide by cop) and could not find any reliable evidence that there were grounds to indict. Interesting isn’t it. It is perjury to lie to the federal investigator. Sharpton apparently does not believe black lives matter. Otherwise, why would he make excuses for people destroying a predominantly black middle class town more than an F4 tornado? For no really good reason. Other than to burn all the things.
Sharpton refused to accept that the DOJ proved him wrong about the case, saying that new evidence could show Wilson did not act in self-defense and also that the DOJ’s report came nearly a year after the shooting.
The report that a young man acted stupid, cussed out a cop, attacked said cop and committed suicide by cop after lunging for Officer Wilson’s service revolver. The DOJ and state police did their job. AG Holder and AG Lynch rightfully wanted answers. The State of Missouri and the DOJ could not find grounds to indict. Despite quotes from the DOJ report Sharpton continued to evade:
“I interpret it what I have heard about the DOJ differently than you did, but the issue that you’re raising is whether I should apologize for believing something that several witnesses told me. I don’t think you or me should apologize if we believe something that people told us. Now, if people didn’t tell us that, that’d be different.”
If #BlackLivesMatter to Sharpton (and noting for a second that Black lives do matter. So do the lives of everyone else including Sharpton), where is he when things like this and this happen?
The “Thou Shalt Not Murder” campaign is calling for Chicagoans to take a stand against violence by signing a petition to” symbolize their oath to lay down their weapons and serve as advocates for the worth and dignity of every person.”
“Reverend” Sharpton was nowhere in sight it should be noted in a place that more Black people are murdered than any other. But that is too much like being an actual reverend I guess.
committed suicide by cop after lunging for Officer Wilson’s service revolver.
Gail, no one has a service revolver anymore. 🙂
I don’t think you or me should apologize if we believe something that people told us.
If it’s untrue, and you continue to believe it even after clear evidence proves it’s untrue, then YES, you should apologize for being an unmitigated fool. We’re not talking belief in a supernatural being here, or the origins of life or the universe – we’re talking about an event witnessed by lots of people, who told their stories to a grand jury, which evaluated their stories in light of actual physical evidence. They found that most of those folks were flat out lying. And those lies are what Al is claiming to believe.
Why can’t we rid ourselves of these charlatans? In olden days (like when I was growing up), these fools had enough shame to go and hide themselves the first time they were exposed. Or at least move to another place.
So do the lives of everyone else including Sharpton
While I stand on the principle that all lives matter, I also believe that an individual can devalue their own life to the point where it no longer should matter. They can do this by committing an egregious crime such as murder or rape. Or they do this by living such an oleaginous, vile, false and manipulative life that they leak away the value of their life until their is nothing left of value to society. Sharpton’s life no longer matters.
Agreed, GWB. He has done more damage to the black community, and society for that matter, in his decades of ambulance chasing, fear-mongering, and spreading of false narratives that destroy lives than just about any other “leader” I can think of.
His life is forfeit.