Randi Rhodes says John McCain was treated well in Vietnam.

Randi Rhodes says John McCain was treated well in Vietnam.

Randi Rhodes says John McCain was treated well in Vietnam.

Of all the outrageous things I’ve heard this election cycle, I think this one makes me the most angry.


Of course he became very friendly with the Vietnamese. They called him the Prince. He was well treated actually. And he was well treated because he traded these propaganda interviews for good treatment. So look, it’s a horrible story anyway you cut it, anyway you look at it, any way you you you deal with it.

But, it’s not the story Fred Thompson told. Nor is it the story Rudy Giuliani told. Nor is it the story Sarah Palin told. Nor is it the story anybody. Cindy McCain knew to limit herself to ‘I think what my husband did in Vietnam was heroic’ because she knows the truth too.

There are a lot of things you can attack John McCain on. We all know this; it’s why conservatives have so long been angry about his nomination. However, this is simply disgusting.

Let’s go over what happened, shall we? After being shot down over Hanoi in Vietnam, he almost drowned in addition to fracturing both arms and his leg. He was pulled from Truc Bach Lake and promptly stabbed with a bayonet in his ankle and groin. His shoulder was also crushed with a rifle butt — all of this happening as he was being beaten by a violent mob. He received no medical treatment for his injuries and was beaten regularly — until they discovered who his father was.

Then they were willing to release John McCain. He could go home.

He refused.

And the real torture began. He was subject to rope bindings and regular beatings, breaking his ribs. His teeth were broken off at the gumline. He was kept in solitary confinement and even tried to commit suicide, but was stopped by the guards. All of this happened although he was suffering from a fever and from dysentery.

And to Randi Rhodes this is being treated well? I guess it’s all OK with her. He didn’t have to listen to really, really loud Christina Aguilera music. Did she perhaps have a few at an Irish pub before making this statement? It fits with tradition: remember her claim that she was mugged (by right-wing extremists, of course) after getting drunk and falling down.

I’m curious if the left-wing establishment (that means you, Obama) will condemn this statement by Randi Rhodes.

They won’t defend her. They won’t condemn her. No, liberals’ favorite tactic when something like this comes out is to pretend it never happened. They’ll try to cover it up. They’ll try to make it go away. But they won’t say how outraged they are or how terrible this is. They’re unlikely to try to defend her, either. No, the crickets will be chirping on the left side of the blogosphere on this one. But hey, maybe I’ll be wrong. I hope I will be.

I won’t hold my breath.

In any case, reaction from the liberal establishment aside, this shouldn’t even come up. Like or dislike McCain’s policies, slamming his heroic service as a POW for five years in Vietnam is beyond crossing the line. I already knew Randi Rhodes was a pathetic left-wing hack. But she’s now sunk to the lowest possible echelon in my mind. Some things are beyond politicization. John McCain’s service as a POW is one of them, and Randi Rhodes didn’t just politicize it. She insulted it, she debased it, and she disrespected it. And all because she doesn’t like his politics.

Sick, vile, disgusting woman.

Hat Tip: Right Wing News

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  • Some left-wing a-hole is on the comment thread over on YouTube, claiming “According to the Bush Administration’s explanation of torture. Than John McCain was aggressively interrogated! What do we have double standards now.” Is this perhaps the point Rhodes was trying to make?

    This is, ironically, the reason why I refused to support McCain until he chose Gov. Palin. That word “torture” is rapidly being abused to the point where it doesn’t mean anything anymore, by liars like Rhodes as well as by reckless politicians like McCain. It’s being defined down into “anything that would make me unhappy if it was being done to me”…which doesn’t really mean anything.

    And what was done to McCain goes well beyond that. Anyone who is really confused on this point, shouldn’t be voting.

  • Winefred says:

    That saintly servant of the Bronx, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, likes to quote his childhood neighbor, Mrs. Nussbaum, in these types of circumstances. Upon hearing some absurd claim countering all evidence and common knowledge, Mrs. Nussbaum would fix a penetrating stare on the chatterer and say, “YOU WERE THERE?”

    Randi was not. Nor has she spoken to a single human being who was — that much is beyond dispute.

  • JFH says:

    We know who the “colaborators” were among the Vietnam POWs. One of them was a guy in my Dad’s squadron. Ironically, we were back in the Philipines when the POWs came home (Operation Homecoming). To brand McCain as one of these few (VERY FEW) people is beyond sick.

    Randi Rhodes should talk to Adm. Denton or Gen. Risner before she spews such filth (or at least read thier books).

    I personally know 3 other POWs that she can contact that could refute her story also.

  • SicSemperTyrannus says:

    Randi Rhodes is a waste of DNA.

  • I used to say complimentary things of Randi Rhodes – on her vocal talents alone. Face it, not everyone can take a live mic and work radio; I did a stint in college radio a few decades ago, so I know what I speak. Randi has the chops to do radio. It is a shame she is stuck in such a hate-filled world.

    I used to listen to about an hour of her show on AAR (before she was fired) and she went on a tear for a few weeks about President Bush not realizing LA Times reporter Peter Wallsten wore sunglasses because he was legally blind. I think I’ll stream her today to see if she rips Sen. Joe Biden for telling Mo. State Senator Chuck Graham, who is in a wheelchair, to “Stand Up! Stand up, Chuck!”

  • Steve says:

    I wonder how Ms. Rhodes would react to being “treated well” in the same way John McCain was. Part of me thinks that would be a fitting justice for her outrageous comments.

  • Randi Rhodes probably came up with that one during one of her benders, you know, like the one that caused her to fall on her face in Manhattan then claim that she was “mugged”.



    Never forget who SHE is, and when she wants to smear her betters, remind everyone of just how flawed she’s proven herself to be.

  • CaptDMO says:

    I’m sorry, tell me again why the wit and wisdom of Randi Rhodes
    is considered worthy of consideration.

  • philmon says:

    Randi Rhodes is even less relavent than that … em … Gloria … Stein … Stein …. ummmm Steinem person.

    Anybody who believes a word coming out of her mouth is already a nutter.

  • Crazy Ivan says:


    Everyone knows Randi Rhodes is a left wing crackpot; she got fired from Air America for her crass speech not too long ago. When I saw your link on CG, I thought I was going to something new and interesting, but all I saw was something I already knew.

    I also saw that goofy picture of you holding that gun with your bra strap hanging out.

    How many guns do you have and how well can you handle them? Post some video of that.

    Crazy Ivan

  • Cousin Dave says:

    Is there anything Randi Rhoads won’t do for attention? I expect she’ll be turning up on MILF Hunters shortly.

  • John McCain is also a very good politician. he did not win because the people are not satisfied on the Republicans.”`.

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