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Do you think (N)Obama will be reelected and why?
No, I don’t think he will be re-elected. To be completely honest, this is mainly his own fault. Obama ran on a platform of change. He ran as a moderate who promised the American people that he would change the way Washington works, that he would give tax breaks to working families, that he would fix all of the problems America has right now, and he did it all using soaring rhetoric and pretty words — but very, very little in the way of actual facts and plans.
Because of this, every day the American people are becoming more disillusioned with him. He isn’t helping himself by trying to ram through his extremist liberal goody list in the first few months of his Presidency. Americans are suspicious of all these “stimulus” packages, and if they don’t deliver — and I’m sure that they won’t — there will be next to nothing he can do to save himself. The country will be furious at him and at the Dems in Congress for saddling us with so much debt, and that debt didn’t even do anything to fix the recession.
Then you add in that Obama’s promises of bringing change to Washington are quite obviously false promises. People are realizing that there is nothing new about the way the government is working, and that he’s got the same old corrupt bureaucrats in charge.
One of the biggest problems Obama has is that he set way, way too high a bar for himself. He promised Americans the world, if they would only elect him. He made himself an American savior, the man who would solve all of our problems, and the media played happily along. Then he gets into office, and immediately stops with the hopey-changey rhetoric and starts onto the doom-and-gloom rhetoric. Unfortunately for Obama, the American people bought into his hopey-changey promises. And inevitably, they will be disappointed and angry when those promises go unfulfilled. That’s why as soon as Obama took office, he immediately started trying to lower the bar for himself.
Obama is going to have an extremely tough time getting re-elected in 2012. Already, his approval rates are dropping and his disapproval rates are rising. Unfortunately for him, he painted himself into a corner, and it will take a near miracle for him to deliver all the things he promised the American people he would give them. Add in to that the problem that he’s got to also be appeasing his radical left base, and he’s got a real problem. The average everyday American is somewhere around center-right; they aren’t socialists and don’t want to be. But Obama’s radically liberal base is expecting him to also be doing what they want him to do. How does he appease both his base and the average American? The answer is that he can’t, but it seems like Obama has chosen to appease his extremist liberal fanatic followers over the people. Sure, he’ll try to be sneaky about it, but the people will catch on, and I think they’ll understand that Obama is merely Jimmy Carter v2.0 and vote him out.
Of course, there’s always the possibility though that we’ll see the Norm Coleman-Al Franken stolen election debacle in Minnesota played out on a national stage in 2012. That’s what I worry about.
I agree, but I’ll add that he shall have lived up to his title as Community Organizer, if not POTUS.
Oh yes, he shall.
I don’t think he is really concerned about re-election. I think his goal is to make the US as we know it collapse which is why he is all for trillions of dollars in debt for us.
The end goal is to destroy capitalism and usher in a socialist society. Once that happens who cares about re-election, you just have your opponents rounded up for re-education