Q & A with Cassy
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Q & A: Giuliani, McCain, or Romney?

Q & A: Giuliani, McCain, or Romney?

Jarrod in Texas said…
Cassy I love the blog. I’m not sure how I found it, but it’s in the rotation of things I check pretty much every day. I know you are all for Duncan Hunter who I like for his actual conservative chops and I’m torn between him and Fred. Assuming neither of them makes it to the primary for my state, if you were me and potentially forced to choose between Guiliani, Romney, or McCain, which way would you go?

Also, there was a time where I thought you were the perfect woman: pretty, smart, and conservative. Now I can understand hatred for Peyton Manning, because I share it as well, but who in their right minds would not hate Tom Brady even worse? It’s this unforgivable Massachusetts liberal streak in you that’s the dealbreaker. Sorry.

Hello Jarrod!

My first choice, as readers of my blog know, is Duncan Hunter, and Fred would be a close second. However, if I had to choose between McCain, Romney, or Giuliani, my choice would probably be Rudy Giuliani. Here’s why. Like most conservatives, John McCain is not an option. I applaud him for his service to our country, and I look up to him very much for what he has done, but I don’t trust his politics for a second. I know he is great on national defense, but I don’t like how he is so firmly ensconced in what Duncan Hunter called “the Kennedy wing” of the GOP.

As far as Mitt Romney goes, I don’t see myself voting for him, and not because he’s Mormon. I could really care less about Mitt Romney’s religion, provided he isn’t Muslim. No, I just don’t know where he stands. He’s about as slippery as John Kerry is, and I just don’t know that I could have faith in his leadership.

This process of elimination leaves me with Rudy Giuliani, who I don’t think has the experience to be President and isn’t conservative enough. However, he is great on national defense, and accomplished a lot of good things in New York as mayor.

When it comes down to it, I won’t vote for any of the three of them in the primary. However, if any of those three, including McCain, get the nomination, I’ll throw my weight 100% behind that person. Any of those three would be better than Hillary. Even if they aren’t the best candidate, our sole concern should be keeping the Dems out of the Presidency.

And as far as Tom Brady… what can I say? I can’t help but love the guy. And while my family is from Massachusetts, I promise you there’s no “Massachusetts liberal streak”. 😉

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