Put down the bong, and vote for Obama!

Put down the bong, and vote for Obama!

Put down the bong, and vote for Obama!

Of course, the best way to do that will be to set up a trail of Doritos for them to follow, and then the potheads will be sure to come out in droves. Dude, you don’t get between a pothead and his munchies, man.

Of course, as someone who’s never smoked pot, I can’t really say that I know too much about it. It does make sense that druggies would support the Obamamessiah, though, given his history with drugs and all. Just saying.

I wonder, will the Obamamessiah condemn this video?

Does anyone else besides me find it a little bit creepy the way that Obamamessiah supporters all sway, chant, and sing in unison on cue? It just reminds me of a cult or something. The cult leader gives the brainwashed masses the cue, and they all start swaying and chanting. It brings to mind the scene in “The Mummy” where all the Egyptians have boils, and they’re walking around Cairo staring blankly and mindlessly chanting, “IMHOTEP. IMHOTEP. IMHOTEP.” Substitute Imhotep for Obama, and, well, you’ve got an Obama rally. Minus the boils.

Hat tip: Hot Air

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  • Steve L. says:

    Obamania is a cult. Believers believe despite all the evidence to the contrary. We infidels can talk until we are blue in the face, but we won’t ever convince them that there is no Wizard, but rather a man behind a curtain.

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    I wonder, will the Obamamessiah condemn this video?

    That video is not the video I knew twenty years ago.

  • Toa says:

    Aggie (A&M???): Good one!

    I remember being around the parents of these kids here in So. Ca. back in the ’70s (I was a doper/drunk too, but not of the “hippie” variety). They would make racist remarks about Mexicans, but if Blacks were mentioned, they would go into “moment-of-awe-and-silence” mode. Even back then, in my worst days, I thought that was phony and hypocritical- not to mention cowardly. Many of these grew up into the White “Liberal” cultural elite, and they have taught us quite adeptly that we must worship Left-wing, racist Black men. Historically, God has given nations over to the various false gods they worship, and that could well happen this November.

    I’ve seen this starry-eyed swaying and chanting before…it happens quite frequently at Democrat National Conventions.

  • baz says:

    Obama will condemn this video the moment GW Bush condemns the Swift Boaters for lying about John Kerry.

  • The Swift Boaters lied? Didn’t know that; still don’t know it; doubt you do.

    The swaying you see is the joy and exuberance in “being a part of this.” Funny thing is, in order for it to permeate, the “this” has to be something overwhelmingly unstoppable. You don’t see any liberals “wanting to be part of” something that is really teetering on the edge and could go either way. They didn’t “want to be a part of” John Kerry’s victory in 2004 or Gore’s in 2000. In fact, what they “wanted to” do, was bitch away about how those two gentlemen were so smart that their messages “couldn’t connect” with the “average.”

    It’s the ultimate in cowardice. They want to see solid evidence that the latest fad is a crushing juggernaut, and then they “want to be a part of” it. When it is so strong that it could succeed just fine and dandy without them. In effect, they are nihilists, who seek to promulgate an appearance of having an influence on things while they carefully avoid having any such influence in any direction.

  • baz says:

    The Swift Boaters lied? Didn’t know that; still don’t know it; doubt you do.

    In fact, the overwhelming testimony and evidence from the incidents in question supports Kerry’s version of events. Some swifites retracted their statements, others gave a very different account and even stumped for Kerry based on those events before 2004, and a much larger group of veterans came out to condemn the swifties accounts. None of the swifities’ accounts agree with the written record, some don’t even agree with each other.

    All are matters of public record.

    It’s not water-tight, but it’s as much as one can ever know from a wartime incident.

    As for your other comments, I love how you pretend to know so much about a group of people you know nothing about. How many liberals do you know?

    Wanna know what liberals really think? Why don’t you ask one. Like me. Or you just guess and conjecture like you’ve done here. Whatevs.

  • Toa says:

    “…ultimate in cowardice…”

    Milton K., what you’ve stated in your post kind of reminds me of so many “Liberals” claiming to be vehemently against “Fundementalism”, but then along came 9/11, and they very quickly endeavored to become “more understanding of Muslim culture, and WHYYYY they don’t like us”, and limiting their “outrage at Religeous Fundamentalism” to safe targets like Jews and Christians (the insanely stupid Supreme Court decision concerning captured terrorists is one manifestation of this cowardice). And now they are hot for Obama because they see this vapid empty suit as a “juggernaut” which is absolutely unconquerable- and, of course, they don’t want to be “racist” which, in their eyes, is the only reason to not vote for him.

  • baz says:

    and anyway, doesn’t “put down the bong” mean “stop smoking dope?”

    The crowd sounded pretty unenthusiastic and unconvinced, IMHO. Maybe because it’s a really dopey chant (no pun intended).

    I think the whole cowardice thread is just ridiculous and not worth even addressing.

  • Matt (the other one) says:

    In fact, the overwhelming testimony and evidence from the incidents in question supports Kerry’s version of events. Some swifites retracted their statements, others gave a very different account and even stumped for Kerry based on those events before 2004, and a much larger group of veterans came out to condemn the swifties accounts. None of the swifities’ accounts agree with the written record, some don’t even agree with each other.

    All are matters of public record.

    If it’s a “matter of public record” (unlike, say, some of John Kerry’s records) then it should be easy for you to demonstrate exactly when, where, and how the Swifties contradicted one another. Or more to the point, why anyone should believe Kerry’s testimony over that of a large group of men who served with honor & distinction and would have no clear reason to lie. I can’t wait to hear this one explained.

    Kerry was running against an experienced wartime president and desperately needed to find a way to capitalize on the patriotic mood of the country…or more precisely, find a way to convince the American public that he’d be more successful at getting rid of our enemies than Bush has been. His handlers thought they’d found a way, so they sent him out there in front of the convention to announce he was “reporting for duty.” And he would have gotten away with it too, had it not been for those meddling Swifties.

    The ones who said, “Wait a minute now, John. We were there. We remember. And that’s not how it happened.” That comes on top of Kerry’s self-damning testimony during the 1971 Winter Soldier hearings, the business with him throwing his medals (whatever the truth was), and all his anti-defense votes in the Senate in the 30-odd years since he came back from Vietnam.

    Oh wait…you probably think the Bush campaign paid all those Swifties off, and so nothing they say is to be believed. Never mind.

    I think the whole cowardice thread is just ridiculous and not worth even addressing.

    Feel free to STFU and go play somewhere else then, moonbat.

  • Matt (the other one) says:

    Wanna know what liberals really think? Why don’t you ask one. Like me. Or you just guess and conjecture like you’ve done here. Whatevs.

    Why the hell should I care what liberals think? They’re wrong, about everything, plain and simple. If they had a lick of sense, they’d see that their policies of the last 40 years have been abject failures and come over to our side. Whatevs.

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