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I am sure that this revelation will come as a shock to no one with a functioning brain stem.
President Barack Obama has spent more time golfing than he has spent listening to daily intelligence briefings. He’s spent almost 700 hours in 875 “Presidential Daily Briefings” since 2009.
But he’s also spent roughly 800 hours on almost 200 golf trips since his first inauguration.
I suppose that’s how ISIS, ISIL, The Ukraine, and Benghazi sneak up on you. Hard to run the country from the fairway on the 14th of places named Fairhaven or Golden Meadows. My guess is that all those hours add up to not being prepared to do anything but work on your short game, attend fundraisers, and be interviewed occasionally by your handmaidens in the Legacy Media. That description squares pretty well with this story that preceded it only slightly in the world of the interwebs.
A new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report reveals that President Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014.
The GAI report also included a breakdown of Obama’s PDB attendance record between terms; he attended 42.4% of his PDBs in his first term and 41.3% in his second.
Wow, doing something that could be called “your job” for a grand total of around 40 percent of the time. What would happen if you did your job 40 percent of the time? What if your son did 40 percent of his homework? How about if your spouse only promised to spend 40 percent of your income on booze and cigars? The number 40 percent starts to look pretty important at that point huh?
I am bothered by the fact that he couldn’t be bothered to come to the briefing that was named after his job title. I would like to once again give thanks to the low information voters who decided that this guy was going to be a better fit for being the leader of the free world versus the Mormon guy who worked in business and very likely understood that having a work ethic was important. I am not pining after Mitt, but I am pining after someone who will SHOW UP TO THE OFFICE. I don’t blame any of you for not picking McCain, but this is what happens when mouth-breathers in large groups use their hearts instead of their brains.
And would this be a good time to mention that the last president stopped playing golf during the last war? Which, if you think about it, this new one, is really just the old one; except to call it such is verboten. You know, the last president said he stopped golfing because he felt it looked unseemly to be doing that while Americas sons and daughters were in harms way. I wonder if we will see any media coverage of how much golf is being played by Barry O’ while bombs are falling on Baghdad?
And to keep the number “800” in perspective; the number of hours the average American works per year if they have a regular full time job is 2000 hours. So Barack the Magnanimous has spent over a third of the average working person’s year playing golf. That isn’t a hobby, that is called “getting ready for the PGA.”
With ISIS, ISIL, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ebola, and Immigration leading off his “To Do” list, I need him to stop worrying about his short game and the lie of his putts and do his job.
But what with Tee times and all, I doubt he will be able to get to it.
Priorities you know…
Even under Obamacare’s rules, he’s a part time worker.
This guy, who spends so much time playing golf, is the guy people voted for because they couldn’t identify with Mitt Romney.
Frankly, the more time he spends on the links, the better off America probably is.
That said, I agree with you in principle.
Well, he DOES spend an inordinate amount of non-White-House related time chasing another kind of green….