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The stimulus porkulus package Democrats are determined to ram down our throats is already starting to be enormously unpopular with the American people. Most voters are, after all, old enough to remember the Jimmy Carter years. And while Democrats like Nancy Pelosi try to use fear to get us to lie back and take it, they simultaneously can’t even show even a slight inkling of restraint. See, for example, the $90 million going a far-left liberal interest group… The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (”LCCR”). Erick Erickson has the scoop:
The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (”LCCR”) is a far left interest group.
The group opposed conservative judges. The group agitates for card check. The group is in favor of the Fairness Doctrine. It is chiefly an agitator for affirmative action programs and tries to pressure banks into giving high risk loans like those that caused the housing crisis. If you oppose them, they label you a racist.
LCCR operates like ACORN. And the Senate Democrats are about to give the $90 million of your money.
Under the cover of the digital television conversion delay, the Senate Democrats want to give the LCCR $90 million.
On page 38 of the Senate version of the stimulus, under the section “Digital-to-Analog Converter Program”, the Senate carves out “$90,000,000.00 . . . for education and out-reach, including grants to organizations for programs to educate vulnerable populations, including senior citizens, minority communities, people with disabilities, low-income individuals, and people living in rural areas, about the transition.”
Sounds innocuous. Here’s the catch:
The program is managed by the Department of Commerce. And the Department of Commerce gave access to the DTV education money to only two groups exclusively: the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (N4A) and the LCCR’s Education Fund.
… The Senate believes it needs to give $90 million more — and only these organizations will be able to get their hands on the money. Only these two groups — one group that helps senior citizens and one group whose members were Democrat foot soldiers in 2008 and, with the “administrative costs” they’ll be able to take in overhead, will be well funded for coming elections.
How funding extremist liberal groups will create jobs and stimulate the economy is beyond me. I don’t get it. But then it all makes sense… once you remember that this “stimulus” package has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the economy.
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