Politico: Progressives Need To Reclaim Fourth of July

Politico: Progressives Need To Reclaim Fourth of July

Politico: Progressives Need To Reclaim Fourth of July

The beauty of living in this country that we call America is that all have a voice, to include those who opine for Politico.

Cristina Beltran, Associate Professor in the Department of Social & Cultural Analysis at New York University and co-editor of the journal Theory & Event, pens this piece of gold. Yep, here we go:

The Fourth of July is, nearly universally, a day of relaxed celebration and ritual, from enjoying grilled hot dogs, potato chips and ice cream — hey, it’s a special occasion! — to gathering with neighbors to watch fireworks. But for progressives like myself, the holiday’s star-spangled flag-waving and patriotic songs and speeches extolling America’s greatness can feel hokey or even hostile. In an increasingly polarized nation, overt declarations of national pride often morph into displays of aggressive nationalism tinged with xenophobia and jingoism. In today’s political climate, a crowd of Americans chanting ‘USA!’ can sound more like a threat than an invitation.”-Cristina Beltran, Politico

Oh, dear. Extolling America’s greatness can be “hokey” and “hostile” and chanting “USA” is more a threat than an invitation. How have progressives become so fragile, here? Chanting “USA” is a threat but progressives chanting “we’re coming for your children” isn’t? Oh, my bad. When they say “we’re coming for your children”, they really don’t mean, “we’re coming for your children”. Righty-oh. Moving right along.

We are a nation split between those who believe America is a nation that requires a reckoning and those demanding only celebration.”-Cristina Beltran, Politico

The history of every great nation involves an ugly past, Cristina. Instead of reckoning and looking back on the wrongs of some, perhaps we should celebrate how far we have come. And, what is this talk of demanding celebration? Didn’t we just go through this last month with Pride? How many major corporations demanded we celebrate? How many celebrations were there around the country? How many pride/progress flags did we see hanging in stores and in public places? How many naked parades have we seen? The left like to talk about how the Stars and Stripes are in your face and “offensive” to some. They don’t want to be commanded to celebrate our nation’s colors. Yet, they also demand only celebration on the holidays if their choosing.

Beltran cites Donald Trump’s proposal of a “big spectacular party” for America in 2026:

This sweeping, nationwide mandated celebration would offer no space for nuance, much less dissent. Trump’s patriotism is simplistic and restrictive, rejecting the notion that citizens under his leadership might feel alienation and anger toward a country to which they also feel passionately attached. For Trump, the nation is made up of ‘freedom-loving Americans’ who support his vision and ‘thugs, misfits and Marxists’ who seek to undermine that vision.”-Cristina Beltran, Politico

First off, nothing is “mandated” in this country. Unless, of course, you are a progressive, democrat, liberal policy-maker, then you can mandate the $hit out of everything. Examples? Lockdowns, social distancing, masks and vaccines, just to name a few. I have a very hard time believing Americans would not be able to sit out Trump’s “spectacular party”, Ms. Beltran, so let’s spare Politico readers the dystopian darkness-to-come.

Many conservatives see education about Native dispossession, chattel slavery and other forms of past and present discrimination as ‘indoctrination,’ dividing Americans and mandating that white students feel bad about themselves and their place in U.S. history.”-Cristina Beltran, Politico

So, being a white college student and getting up on a podium in front of other non-white students to acknowledge you’re on “stolen land” while being up on this podium does not reek of hypocrisy and superiority? And, which party started the Ku Klux Klan, again? Standing up and acknowledging your “privilege” in words only does not a better world make. Your stupid lawn sign regurgitating the trite platitudes such as “love is love” and “women’s rights are human rights” is just a vain signal to your other American neighbors that you somehow feel you are better and far more superior, than they are. Hint: some of these very neighbors may be people of color who may have opted to display the American flag this Independence Day.

Cristina The Scold of Politico still is not finished:

For progressives, such panic under the umbrella of critical race theory — or, in the workplace, DEI — is the real indoctrination, an effort to whitewash public life and erase from history the movements and populations they oppose. This feeling that discrimination is not only being ignored but actively endorsed was confirmed this past week when the Supreme Court ruled to dilute legal protections for LGBTQ Americans and to abolish affirmative action.”-Cristina Beltran, Politico

No, Ms. Beltran. The “latest decision” basically, may protect your job from an unqualified man posing as a woman, claiming to be “marginalized” because he is trans in getting priority over you in consideration for a position you more than qualify for. It will protect other women in the future as well.

But highlighting the hypocrisy and violence is also incomplete. For one, it makes it easier for the right to caricature our beliefs and commitments.”-Cristina Beltran, Politico

Well, if I say so myself, Progressives have become caricatures of themselves in their own rite. We had nothing to do with that, this was all them. My husband and I were watching an episode of Portlandia the other day and mused about how these once outlandish and funny, comical characters, have become the norm and the face of the Democratic Party:

We need something richer than patriotism — and something more than righteous indignation and anxious disavowal. As a people, we need reckoning and celebration.

So this Fourth of July, remember that this day is ours to claim. Celebrate what you love and mourn what’s been lost. And don’t forget to enjoy the fireworks.”-Cristina Beltran, Politico

Yes, Americans, your have the Progressives’ blessing. Enjoy your hotdogs on your hokey, hostile, xenophobic, racist, bigoted, jingoistic holiday, Patriots! Progressives? You may want to duck for cover as I light up this mortar:

GOD Bless America!

Photo Credit: Ondrejk via Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

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  • Cameron says:

    Cristina, I have a feeling you’re not a lot of fun at parties. Or at work. Or at any place that requires interaction with you.

  • Jack Klompus says:

    Could Tom Wolfe himself invent a character more useless and devoid of offering anything of value to society than “Cristina Beltran, Associate Professor in the Department of Social & Cultural Analysis”?

  • Barry A. Brewer says:

    Never ceases to amaze me that these online creatures actually believe their own BS that they’re the majority in this country and not the ranting, incoherent freaks of nature they are.

  • Orson says:

    “LISTEN UP fools – we’re all victims, and The Man keeps us Down!”

    There must be some version of Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy that’s entirely the substance of SWJs and Wokies. But I have not yet seen it properly identified, I think. But it is surely more real and more iatrogenic than gender dysphoria.

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