Paris Hilton update!

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Paris Hilton update!

Paris Hilton will be released from prison next Tuesday, prison officials have announced.

So, let’s get a nice quote from the lovely heirhead herself:

“I’m so much more grateful for everything that I have, even just to have a pillow at night or food. You know my gratitude has gone up so much and I just realize that the media used me to make fun of and be mean about it. Frankly [I’m] sick of it and I want to use my fame in a good way. I am behind glass and I want to give my dad a big hug and they won’t even let me do that. That’s how the rules are, you have to be behind glass. I’m not a criminal, I’m not dangerous, so it makes me feel like that. It’s hard but I’m stronger everyday. I just can’t wait to see my family and have a nice meal and be in my own bed and appreciate all the things I took for granted and never really thought much about.”

The media is “mean”. She wants to use her fame in a “good way”. Yawn.

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1 Comment
  • Angry White Guy says:

    I dunno… I think she’s finally figured out that not all attention is good attention. I really hope this was a turning point for her…

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