palin trumps obama again on healthcare reform

palin trumps obama again on healthcare reform

in a few hours The One is going to stand before a joint session of congress, trying yet again, to sell a fundamentally-flawed, fiscally irresponsible and a devoid of morals and ethics health-care plan to all of us.

he will demonstrate a lot of energy, charisma, and passion. he will even show a bit of that hopechangery we saw during the campaign. he will most likely promise the moon.

don’t believe a word of it.

tonite obama will give a self-edifying speech to convince us that a bad idea is a good idea simply because he says so. he will not really answer any of the questions his bloated obamacare presents. he will not explain the goverment takeover of healthcare in this country. there will be no real plan but rather a lot of ambiguity. and as a result, obamacare will continue to lose support.

enter sarah palin yet again.

her timing has been impeccable. somewhere in alaska she is keeping herself nationally relevant by interjecting ideas and strong opinions into the healthcare debate, this time in a WSJ Op-Ed piece that steps all over the toes of the dems plan right before obamas’ address to congress on the very topic.

sarah provides a clear path towards real health-care reform.

“Instead of poll-driven “solutions,” let’s talk about real health-care reform: market-oriented, patient-centered, and result-driven. As the Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon and others have argued, such policies include giving all individuals the same tax benefits received by those who get coverage through their employers; providing Medicare recipients with vouchers that allow them to purchase their own coverage; reforming tort laws to potentially save billions each year in wasteful spending; and changing costly state regulations to allow people to buy insurance across state lines. Rather than another top-down government plan, let’s give Americans control over their own health care.

Democrats have never seriously considered such ideas, instead rushing through their own controversial proposals. After all, they don’t need Republicans to sign on: Democrats control the House, the Senate and the presidency. But if passed, the Democrats’ proposals will significantly alter a large sector of our economy. They will not improve our health care. They will not save us money. And, despite what the president says, they will not “provide more stability and security to every American.

i, like others, am beginning to believe that obama’s lifelong dream was to become president rather than to be president. sarah palin’s on the other hand, was to lead instead of follow.

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  • Montana says:

    The quitter that twitters, right, sure, why not, she was a great mom (except she does not practice what she preaches), why not a great president, could it be she is not qualified, we already had our Dan Quayle, our Ronald Reagan, our George W., so why not Sarah Palin, yup that the ticket, thats what our nation needs, send her down to us from above, funny stuff.

  • PenniePan says:

    Oh Kate. Palin is an irrelevant twit.

    But I like Maureen Dowd’s piece where she says:

    “President Obama is so wrapped up in his desire to be a different, more conciliatory, beer-summit kind of leader, he ignores some verities.

    Sometimes, when you’ve got the mojo, you have to keep your foot on your opponent’s neck.”

    HA! Put your steel-toed boots on Barack!

  • Jane says:

    Pennie LOL.

    Speak softly Mr. President and stick your size 12 steel toed boots up their collective blue dog and republican asses.

  • A_Reluctant_Pundit says:


    Don’t you see that Obama really has no heart to twist anyone’s arm on this issue? He is willing to pass anything on Healthcare because if he doesn’t, he thinks his presidency is over. He may be right because his base won’t be happy without the public option in.

  • kate says:


    let me just say that obama only governs when he is forced to which up until now, is never. he shuts out republicans completely and discounts and minimizes the thousands and thousands of americans around the country who are against this boondoggle. he is the consumate polarizer-in-chief.

    he doesn’t own steel toed boots and would not know what to do with them if he did. he only has golf shoes.

    as far as sarah palin goes…at least she is speaking out. so what if you don’t like her. its still a free country. at least she is articulating on healthcare; something to this point barack obama has not been.

  • Paul says:

    Maureen Dowd is a fricken b-itch who shouldn’t give advice to anyone much less the President. Having said that, I think Obama should do both — make a damned compelling speech while twisting arms however he needs to.

    Palin, Kate, is using “Facebook” and having speechwriters do her talking. Don’t be so naive.

  • micky says:

    “HA! Put your steel-toed boots on Barack!”

    More like high heeled birkentocks

    You guys can knock Palin all you want but the fact is that her like many conservatives are mentioning the plan that actually would work. As much as everyone says the right has no alternative its simply not true. But you’d be hard pressed to find our liberal MSM bring any of it to air.

    Yeah Paul, lets twist and force something upon the contrary concensus.
    I asked a friend of mine once, the “antisocialist” how he would describe force. he said it was “a fist up your ass”. Is that how we should govern our country ?
    Still Paul, she has to stand behind that speech, which by the way is hardly what the WSJ took from her

  • micky says:

    Montana, so, Reagan was unqualified huh ?
    If you do the math Palin is actually more qualified than Obama. Think about it, her competition should of been Biden. But they never put him and her in the same ring together why is that ?
    Yeah, common sense will bring you to that conclusion

  • Palin, Kate, is using “Facebook” and having speechwriters do her talking. Don’t be so naive.

    Gasp! I’m shocked I tell you, absolutely shocked – a politician is using a speechwriter. OMG what will happen next? Will Paul reveal who was on the grassy knoll?

    Please. Whether she uses a speechwriter or not – her words have the power of truth behind them. There is substance over style in her Op-Ed, which is more than we can say for Obama.

  • Ken says:

    “i, like others, am beginning to believe that obama’s lifelong dream was to become president rather than to be president.”

    Well said. This guy is in so far over his head, its pathetic. He looks completely clueless, which seems to be appropriate.

    Its nice to see our resident neo-socialist trolls haven’t forgotten how to name call and completely avoid an issue. Such maturity.

    “could it be she is not qualified,”

    Please tell us, Montana, how is Obama so much more qualified then Palin to be president. I don’t expect a response, I never get one, but I thought I would give you a shot.

  • micky says:

    Well, it sucked, not enough “HOW”, plenty of guilt and fear

  • micky says:

    PELOSI gave the sideline sis boom bah as usual bouncing up and down on her botoxed butt, while checking out Bidens lap,… ew

  • micky says:

    Screw Montana.
    Hes just another that thinks his words are so prophetic that no response on his part is needed. As long as hes planted the seeds of his wisdom he can brag to his moonbat buddies how he told em all.
    These guys trip me out, its like no self esteem whatsoever. They drop these dud bombs and never rebute or refute, I just dont see the point

  • Ken says:

    “South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson shouted “You lie!” after Obama had talked about illegal immigrants.”

    That was the best part of the speech!!!!!

  • Gypsy says:

    It was a defiant speech and I have confidence now that we will have a public option.

  • Ken says:

    Indeed, Gypsy. The beginning of the destruction of our economy is about to commence. Be proud.

  • micky says:

    Snap out of it Gypsy.
    He never explained in detail how hes going to do any of this. If I’m correct the whole point behind the speech was to shore up support thru stating exactly how all this was going to be excecuted, He failed, bigtime.
    I know no more about how any of this is going to be done today than I did yesterday.
    Tell me what part of the speech boosted your confidence so much that included facts and not pulling on heartstrings, platitudes, or scare tactics ?

  • micky says:

    Hes done, hes toast, no second term unless we get attacked again and he catches who did it. Which means he’d have to lock up more than half the democratic party

  • Gypsy says:

    Micky you are dense aren’t you? The speech wasn’t for you or most of the people here or even the teabaggers. It was for me and other people who consider ourselves to be the President’s ardent supporters. The speech was for the Left.

    Idiot. Now go piss on yourself.

  • Rope says:

    More smoke and mirrors. Nothing new whatsoever just more posturing.

    Right gypsy, over half the US doesnt want it. But what the hell let’s cram it down their throats. After all does this administration really care what the American people want?

    LOL Ken I agree. That and the note passed to pelosi telling on Joe Wilson was the best part of the night.

    Micky ewwwwwwwwwwwww, pelosi looking at biden’s lap. That is NOT a picture I want in my head right before bedtime. (Glad you’re getting better, stay postive, stay strong)

  • Rope says:

    The speech wasn’t for you or most of the people here or even the teabaggers. It was for me and other people who consider ourselves to be the President’s ardent supporters. The speech was for the Left.

    I love it. gypsy you just proved my point. They don’t care about the American people. Even his “ardent supporters” see that. Priceless.

  • micky says:

    Whats your problem Gypsy ? Was I not nice to you ?

    oops, my bad editing, try agai

    Okay, here goes.


    I’ll bet since yesterday you still after the speech cant tell me how the hell this is going to get paid for, can you numb nuts ?

    you’re really quite dumb if you think he was reching out to those who would kiss his a$$ blindley no matter what.

  • Len Sacks says:

    Yeah Ken “You lie’ really is a great health care program, isn’t it? Hah, that’s pretty much what I Would expect from your types. As for Palin I don’t know if she’s qualified or not, but I do know this; He’s President and she can only fantasize being President. She’s chicken s—- Anybody can write a piece a crap on a Facebook page and call it the greatest work since Einstein. Oh yeah we all know how articulate she is—Sarah Sarah come out from wherever you are!

  • lisab says:

    the speech means obama knows he was losing the kossians

    now he has probably lost the center after tonight

    the next few days will show a lot.

  • micky says:

    “Anybody can write a piece a crap on a Facebook page and call it the greatest work since Einstein.”

    You mean like the Face book pages Obama has written ?

  • Ken says:

    “Yeah Ken “You lie’ really is a great health care program, isn’t it? Hah, that’s pretty much what I Would expect from your types.”

    Well, you can’t blame the guy for telling the truth. Obama has been nothing but a two face liar since he was elected, but nobody on the left seems to care, I guess I would expect that from your types, huh?

    Much like clueless Gypsy, you seem to think wrecking health care and the economy seems to be the solution.

    “Anybody can write a piece a crap on a Facebook page and call it the greatest work since Einstein. ”

    Hey, that’s how BO got elected, isn’t it?

    “Oh yeah we all know how articulate she is—Sarah Sarah come out from wherever you are!”

    Be careful what you wish for, slick.

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